The Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, recognizing a developmental role for culture not only in the economic dimension of the cultural-tourism sector, but also in that of social cohesion, intends to facilitate the implementation of projects for the regeneration and reactivation of places of culture and other spaces public and private buildings that are disused, or which are in a state of underuse, degradation or abandonment, transforming them into cultural and artistic centers or spaces by carrying out initiatives in the cultural and creative field with the aim of inclusion and social innovation.
Who is it aimed at?
The following can benefit from the contribution, not in associated form: a) private entities, including associations and foundations, non-profit or with the statutory obligation to reinvest profits and operating surpluses in carrying out activities envisaged in the object social, and cooperative societies, which have among their statutory purposes the promotion of cultural activities and are duly established with a public deed or registered private agreement; b) bodies and institutions, including social enterprises and cooperative societies, registered in the register of third sector bodies referred to in legislative decree 3 July 2017, n. 117, which have among their statutory purposes the promotion of cultural activities.
What does it predict
Projects whose object is the regeneration and reactivation, through the implementation of cultural activities or training courses or workshops in the cultural sector, of: a) places of culture, such as museums, libraries, art galleries, galleries and other exhibition places, are eligible; archives, properties which present artistic, historical, archaeological or ethno-anthropological interest, or which are of particularly important interest due to their reference to the history of politics, military, literature, art, science, technology, industry and of culture in general, or as evidence of the identity and history of public, collective or religious institutions, villas, parks and gardens of artistic or historical interest, public squares, streets, roads and other urban open spaces of interest artistic or historical, mining sites of historical or ethno-anthropological interest, rural architecture of historical or ethno-anthropological interest as evidence of the traditional rural economy; b) disused public and private places and spaces, in a state of underuse, degradation or abandonment, to be allocated to collective cultural uses and purposes, transforming them into cultural and artistic centers or spaces.