Incentives aimed at strengthening the competitiveness and ability of companies to attract highly specialized young professionals, with the aim of encouraging their permanence or return to the regional territory, also through the improvement of the company image. The intervention is governed by article 6 of Regional Law n.9/2021 – Regional provisions regarding support for the permanence, return and attraction of highly specialized young professionals to the regional territory – Talenti FVG
Who is it aimed at?
The following private employers operating in the regional territory are beneficiaries of the incentives: a) Companies and their consortia, associations, foundations b) Cooperatives and their consortia The beneficiary entities must also possess the following requirements: a) have a main office or secondary office or local unit in the regional territory and operate in the regional territoryb) be in compliance with the obligations established by the legislation governing the right to work of people with disabilitiesc) comply with the legislation on social security and the protection of health and safety in the workplaced) not have appealed in the three years preceding the submission of the application for redundancy benefits, following collective dismissal procedures and) having already activated in favor of its employees, at the date of submission of the incentive application, corporate welfare measures for the conciliation between working life and care commitments for loved ones.
What does it predict
The incentives are granted for the implementation of the following interventions: a) drafting and implementation of internal and external communication plans aimed at attracting highly specialized young professionals b) organization of recruiting days in collaboration with the public employment services of the region FVG c) participation in career days at fairs or universities d) organization of company open days in the regional territory Current expenses incurred for the organization and implementation of the interventions envisaged by the regulation are considered eligible, up to a maximum of 100%, with exclusion of personnel costs, which include for example: a) advertising costs of the initiative; b) expenses for fees relating to contracts for the organization and implementation of the initiative; c) reimbursements for travel and accommodation expenses. The maximum amount of the incentive is equal to 5,000 euros/year. The expenses must be incurred in the period from the date of submission of the incentive application until the end of the calendar year in which the application was submitted. The statement of eligible expenses incurred, the related explanatory report and the declarations required by the Regulation (art.6) must be submitted within 60 days of the conclusion of the interventions.