In Friuli Venezia Giulia, the Regional Fund for the employment of people with disabilities was established which is fed by the amounts of administrative sanctions paid by employers who do not fulfill the obligations established by law 68/1999, by the contributions paid for the obtaining exemptions and sums allocated by the Region. The Region, with decree of the President of the Region of 15 December 2020, n. 177, issued the “Regional Regulation governing the methods of granting contributions from the resources of the Regional Fund for people with disabilities referred to in article 39 of the regional law of 9 August 2005, n. 18 (Regional regulations for employment, protection and quality of work).” published on BUR n. 53 of 30 December 2020. The Regulation entered into force on 1 January 2021.
Who is it aimed at?
The beneficiaries of the incentives are: a) private employers subject to the hiring obligation referred to in law 68/1999; b) private employers not subject to the hiring obligation, as they already comply with the obligation referred to to law 68/1999 or because they employ a number of employees considered for the purposes of the calculation to be less than 15. The following are recipients of the incentives: a) workers with disabilities registered in the list referred to in article 8 of law 68/1999 and hired with the procedures referred to in law 68/1999; b) workers with disabilities already employed by private employers, hired pursuant to law 68/1999 or the previous regulations on compulsory employment who present particular difficulties in maintaining employment; c) workers with disabilities who have been recognized as disabled during the employment relationship; d) workers with disabilities already employed by employers for whom there is a worsening of health conditions that could compromise the maintenance or continuation of the employment relationship.
What does it predict
The following interventions can be financed: - hiring and stabilization of workers with disabilities; - creation and adaptation of the workplace; - removal of architectural and other barriers; - reworking of working methods to make them suitable for agile working or agreed forms of teleworking ;- initiatives aimed at ensuring accessibility to the workplace, mobility and travel;- initiatives aimed at supporting rehabilitation projects for workers with disabilities;- initiatives for training the person responsible for job placement;- tutoring activities , carried out by internal employees or by individuals external to the company, aimed at workers for whom placement is particularly problematic; - training activities for employees called upon to support workers with disabilities; - internships aimed at the work integration of individuals with disability; - innovative projects aimed at the employment of people with disabilities.