FVG – Contributions for the removal and disposal of asbestos from company buildings

February 15, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund


Friuli Venezia Giulia


Other services







February 1, 2024
February 28, 2024


No additional notes


Interventions, to be carried out after the submission of the application, relating to the removal and disposal or just the disposal of asbestos from company headquarters buildings located in the regional territory can be financed. The Regional Law of 28 December 2018, n. 29 (Stability Law 2019) and in particular article 4, paragraph 7, amending article 4, paragraph 30 of Regional Law 25/2016, has provided for the possibility of contributing also to the disposal of asbestos only, provided that it is attributable to corporate headquarters buildings.

Who is it aimed at?

Beneficiaries: a) micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in possession of the requirements defined by Annex I of Regulation (EC) 17 June 2014 n. 651/2014/EU (Commission Regulation declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in application of articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty) published in the OJEU 26 June 2014, n. L 187;b) large companies. The following cannot benefit from the contributions: a) companies in a state of dissolution or voluntary liquidation as well as those subjected to insolvency procedures, such as bankruptcy, compulsory administrative liquidation, composition with creditors, controlled or extraordinary administration; b) companies that do not comply with the regulations in force in matters of safety at work; c) companies subject to disqualification sanctions pursuant to article 9, paragraph 2 of legislative decree 8 June 2001, n. 231 (Discipline of the administrative responsibility of legal persons, companies and associations even without legal personality, pursuant to article 11 of law 29 September 2000, n. 300); d) companies that manage local public services.

What does it predict

Amount of the contribution: a) for micro-enterprises, 50% of the recognized eligible expenditure, maximum 15,000 euros b) for small and medium-sized enterprises, 40% of the recognized eligible expenditure, maximum 30,000 euros c) for large enterprises, 30% of the expenditure recognized as eligible, maximum 40,000 euros Expenses eligible for contribution (to be paid after the submission of the application): a) expenses necessary for the removal, transport and disposal of materials containing asbestos, including those relating to the preparation of safe working conditionsb ) expenses relating to laboratory analyzes c) expenses for drawing up the work plan referred to in article 256 of legislative decree 9 April 2008, n. 81 (Implementation of article 1 of law 3 August 2007, n. 123, regarding the protection of health and safety in the workplace)d) expenses related to the certification activity referred to in article 41 bis of the law regional 20 March 2000 n. 7 (Consolidated text of the rules on administrative proceedings and right of access) for a maximum amount of 500.00 euros

Objective – Purpose

Ecological transition

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Minimum Allowable Expenditure


Maximum Allowable Expenditure


Allowed Costs

Buildings and land, Services, patents and licenses

Minimum concession that can be granted


Maximum grantable benefit

Subject type


Large Enterprise, Medium Enterprise, Micro Enterprise, Small Enterprise

Activity sector

Other services


All economic sectors eligible to receive aid;


Friuli Venezia Giulia



Special territorial scope


Other features

The contribution application must be submitted to the Waste Management and Polluted Sites Discipline Service of the Central Directorate for Environmental Protection, Energy and Sustainable Development from 1st to 28th February of each year using exclusively the form attached to the regulation (the terms also apply to the years leap year).

Managing entity

Autonomous Region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia - Central management of environmental protection, energy and sustainable development

Primary regulatory basis

FVG - Stability law 2017
Secondary regulatory basis

Implementation measure

FVG - Stability law 2017

References Official Journal


Incentive allocation

1105000 €

Reference site


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