FVG – Professional updating by professionals

January 24, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund


Friuli Venezia Giulia


Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Agri-food, Other services, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Culture, Construction, Electronics, ICT, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Health







June 29, 2007


Application submission desk always open (Desk evaluation procedure)


Non-refundable contribution to orders and colleges, professional associations of professional professions, associations of providers of non-professional professional activities for professional development. The amount of the contribution is equal to 50% of the eligible expenses. It is raised to 70% of the eligible expenses if participation in the project is free of charge for professionals who carry out their professional activity with registered office or operational headquarters in the regional territory . In the event that there is funding from private entities, the amount of the contribution is determined on the amount of eligible expenses remaining to be borne by the beneficiary. The contribution application is presented before the start of the professional development project, in compliance with the tax legislation in force on the stamp duty of 16.00 euros, via a dedicated electronic system accessible from the FVG Region website (see link in this page under “Institutional Link”).

Who is it aimed at?

- Orders and colleges territorially divided in the region. - Professional associations of professional professions with decentralized offices at regional level. - Associations of providers of non-professional professional activities, included in the Register provided for by article 4 of Regional Law 13/2004.

What does it predict

Professional updating projects (courses, seminars, meetings, conferences) carried out at a regional level, also organized in collaboration with universities and other scientific institutes, which: - take the form of activities aimed at professional updating of service providers, are eligible for contributions. professional and non-professional activities, carried out on an individual, associated or corporate basis; - have a starting date following the date of submission of the grant application; - involve the keeping of educational records proving the presence of students and teachers, as well as, if foreseen, the tutor and the mediator; - they involve the participation of a majority of professionals who carry out professional activities with registered or operational headquarters in the region. The participation of learners is considered valid with attendance of at least 70% of the total hours foreseen for the refresher project. The activities can be delivered in person or synchronously via digital platforms. Update projects carried out in asynchronous mode are excluded. Types of expenses eligible for contribution: - advertising costs for the project - expenses for fees relating to contracts for the organization of the updating project - expenses for the purchase of educational material exclusively intended for the participants and necessary for carrying out the updating project - rental costs of the spaces intended for the project and related IT and technical equipment - costs for translations and related systems - costs for the remuneration of speakers, classroom tutors and reimbursements for travel and accommodation costs - costs for the publication of the project documents - expenses connected to the creation of refresher courses carried out in synchronous mode via digital platforms, including costs for promotion and communication services of the event and mediators for its management, with the exclusion of the purchase of hardware Only expenses incurred after the date of submission of the application are eligible. The maximum expenditure limit admitted to the contribution is equal to 10,000.00 euros.

Objective – Purpose

Innovation and research, Internationalization, Start up/Business development

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Minimum Allowable Expenditure


Maximum Allowable Expenditure


Allowed Costs

Professional Training, General expenses/other charges

Minimum concession that can be granted


Maximum grantable benefit

Subject type
Public authority


Microenterprise, Small Business

Activity sector

Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Agri-food, Other services, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Culture, Construction, Electronics, ICT, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Health


All economic sectors eligible to receive aid;


Friuli Venezia Giulia



Special territorial scope


Other features

professional activity, professional development, professionals, non-refundable professionals, free profession, professional orders, professional colleges, professional associations, associations of providers of non-regulated professional activities, courses, seminars, meetings, congresses, conferences, conventions

Managing entity


Primary regulatory basis

FVG REGION - Regional law 22 April 2004 n. 13 Interventions regarding professions
Secondary regulatory basis

Implementation measure

FVG REGION - Regional law 22 April 2004 n. 13 Interventions regarding professions

References Official Journal


Incentive allocation

120000 €

Reference site


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