MAD - Management Advisor srl

Fund to support industrial transition

What you need to know

The call aims to encourage the adaptation of the national production system to European policies regarding the fight against climate change.


Companies of any size and operating throughout the national territory that operated predominantly in the extractive and manufacturing sectors referred to in sections B and C of the ATECO 2007 classification of economic activities .

Eligible interventions

Investment programs, possibly accompanied by staff training projects, which pursue one or more of the following objectives are eligible for assistance from the Fund:

a) achievement within the production unit subject to intervention of greater energy efficiency in the execution of the business activity;

b) efficient use of resources, through a reduction in their use also through the reuse, recycling or recovery of raw materials and/or the use of recycled raw materials , in the production unit subject to the intervention;

c) fundamental change in the overall production process of the production unit object of the investment, through the implementation of solutions and technologies aimed at allowing greater energy efficiency or through the recycling and reuse of
production materials, raw and recycled materials.

For the purposes of accessing the Fund, investment programs must be supported by a study or document, carried out by qualified subjects , which defines the state of the art of the production unit, the interventions to be implemented in order to achieve the objectives
environmental and the expected results following the implementation of the interventions. The aforementioned study or document must therefore identify the measurable and monitorable efficiency objectives of the proposed program, as well as the relevant indicators.

Investment programs that can be implemented in production units located throughout the national territory and which provide for the achievement of greater energy efficiency are eligible for intervention from the Fund, including through:

a) the introduction of energy consumption monitoring systems;

b) the installation or replacement of high efficiency systems or systems and components capable of containing energy consumption related to the production cycle and/or service provision;

c) the use of thermal or electrical energy recovered from production cycles;

d) the installation of thermal or electrical energy production systems from renewable sources for self-consumption.

To complete the investment program staff training strictly connected and functional to it, for an amount not exceeding 10 percent of the investment program .

Investment programs must:

a) provide for total eligible expenses of an amount of no less than 3,000,000.00 (three million) euros and no more than 20,000,000.00 (twenty million) euros;

b) be started after the submission of the application for access to the Fund.

c) be carried out within thirty-six months from the date of granting the contribution. Upon a reasoned request from the company, the Managing Body may grant an extension of the program completion deadline of no more than 12 (twelve) months.

The investment programs can also be implemented in compliance with the purposes, limits and conditions set out in section 2.6 of the Temporary Framework, taking into account the time constraints of its validity.

Eligible expenses

Expenses relating to the purchase and construction of fixed assets, as defined by articles 2423 et seq. of the civil code, are eligible, to the extent necessary for the purposes of the project which is the subject of the request for benefits. These expenses concern:

a) company land and its arrangements, limited to those strictly necessary to meet the environmental objectives, within the limits of 10% (ten percent) of the overall eligible investment;

b) masonry and similar works, limited to those strictly necessary to meet environmental objectives, within the limit of 40% (forty percent) of the overall eligible investment;

c) various plants and equipment, brand new, necessary to pursue environmental objectives;

d) computer programs, patents, licenses, know-how and non-patented technical knowledge concerning new product technologies and production processes.

With reference to staff training projects, the expenses and costs relating to:

a) personnel costs relating to trainers for the hours of participation in training;

(b) running costs relating to trainers and training participants directly related to the training project, such as travel costs, accommodation costs, materials and supplies directly relevant to the project, depreciation of tools and equipment to the extent that they are used exclusively for the training project;

c) the costs of consultancy services connected to the training project.

Expenses relating to used systems and equipment, operating expenses, notary expenses, those relating to duties, taxes, inventories and those relating to the purchase of properties which have already benefited in the 10 (ten) years prior to the date of submission of the application, of other aid, with the exception of that of a fiscal nature, except in cases of revocation and total recovery of the aid itself by the competent authorities.
Individual goods worth less than 500.00 (five hundred) euros, net of VAT, are also not eligible.

Costs relating to internal orders are not eligible.

For eligibility purposes, expenses must:

a) relate to new tangible and intangible fixed assets purchased from third parties who have no relationship with the buyer and under normal market conditions;

b) be referred to depreciable and capitalized assets, which appear in the assets of the proposing entity's balance sheet and maintain their functionality with respect to the investment program for at least five years, or three years for SMEs, from the date of
completion of the investments;

c) refer to goods used exclusively in the production unit covered by the investment programme;

d) if referring to mobile vehicles, concern only those not registered strictly necessary for the implementation of the environmental program;
furthermore, these mobile vehicles must be individually identifiable and at the exclusive service of the production unit covered by the investment programme.


The benefits are granted, in the form of a non-repayable contribution, under the conditions and within the limits of the maximum aid intensities envisaged by the GBER Regulation and, in particular:

a) for investments aimed at achieving greater energy efficiency in the execution of business activities and for investments aimed at efficient use of resources, within the limits of the intensities provided for by the aid referred to in Section 7 - Aid for
environmental protection of the GBER Regulation;

b) for investments aimed at fundamentally changing the overall production process, within the limits of the aid intensities envisaged by the Regional State Aid Charter or by Article 17 of the GBER Regulation;

c) for investments consistent with the purposes, limits and conditions of section 2.6 of the Temporary Framework, within the limits of the envisaged intensities;

d) for staff training projects within the limits of the intensity established by article 31 of the GBER Regulation.


The disbursements of the benefits can take place in no more than 4 installments, plus the last one as a balance, in relation to the progress of the project for an amount not less than 20% (twenty percent) of the admitted costs. The disbursements that can be made during the implementation of the investment cannot in any case exceed 80% (eighty percent) of the overall benefits granted. The disbursement of the last SAL, not less than 20% (twenty percent), is carried out following an assessment at the production unit object of the investment aimed at ascertaining the realization of the investment as well as the actual achievement of the objectives environmental measures foreseen in ways that will be defined with a subsequent provision from the Ministry.

This is without prejudice to the possibility for the beneficiary to request from the managing body, upon presentation of a guarantee or first request guarantee policy, the disbursement of the first subsidy quota, not exceeding 30% (thirty percent) of the total amount of the concessions granted, by way of advance payment.


Do not relocate the economic activity object of the investment for 5 years.


Evaluation procedure with one-stop procedure.


For more information contact Dr. Angela Colosimo.

Email: | Mobile: 347.7135918

Photo by on Unsplash

Who is it aimed at?

Small businesses, Medium businesses, Micro businesses, Large businesses, SMEs, Manufacturing companies, Business networks, MSMEs


Non-repayable contribution



October 10, 2023

Geographic area

Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardy, Marche, Molise, Piedmont, Puglia, Sardinia, Sicily, Tuscany, Trentino-Alto Adige, Umbria, Valle d'Aosta, Veneto


Manufacturing, Industry

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