The facilitation instrument is aimed at encouraging the adaptation of the Italian production system to EU policies on the fight against climate change through the support of investment programs for environmental protection. The eligible programs must include total eligible expenses of between 3 million euros and 20 million euros. The expected initial allocation is 300 million euros, of which 50% is reserved for energy-intensive companies. The benefits are granted in the form of a non-repayable contribution.
Who is it aimed at?
The benefits are granted to companies, of any size and operating throughout the national territory, which operate predominantly in the extractive and manufacturing sectors referred to in sections B and C of the ATECO 2007 classification of economic activities.
What does it predict
The Fund supports investment programs that pursue at least one of the following objectives: a) greater energy efficiency in the execution of the activity with the admissibility of ancillary expenses connected to the installation of systems for self-production of energy from renewable sources, hydrogen and high-energy cogeneration systems high yield; b) efficient use of resources, through a reduction in their use including through the reuse, recycling or recovery of raw materials and/or the use of recycled raw materials. The benefits are granted within the limits of the maximum intensities established by EU legislation for the specific types of aid.