New Credit Fund – Internationalization Section

October 8, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund




Fashion and textiles, motor vehicles and other means of transport, chemistry and pharmaceutical, electronic, mechanics, metallurgy, furniture, wood and paper, construction, ICT, transport, tourism, health, culture, crafts services


0 €





July 25, 2024
October 15, 2024


The closing date of the tender could be brought forward due to exhaustion of resources.
Share fact sheet


The subsidized intervention operates through a public reinsurance fund, called Fondo Nuovo Credito “Internationalizzazione”, on a first degree guarantee issued by the collective credit guarantee consortia (Confidi) referred to in art. 13 of the legislative decree of 30 September 2003, n. 269, converted into law 24 November 2003, n. 326, against a bank loan requested by the company that has joined Option 2 of the tender "Support for the definition of innovative internationalization strategies" referred to in the decree of the Director of the Economic Development Department n. 335/2024; pursuant to EU Reg. n. 1060/2021, art. 58(5), this financial instrument is combined with a contribution in interest (maximum TAN of 2.5%) and in guarantee charges. 

Who is it aimed at?

It is aimed at companies receiving the contribution referred to in the decrees of the Director of the Economic Development Department n. 335/2024, who require a bank loan to support the expenses related to this contribution and not covered by it. This sheet refers to the presumed endowment that will be conveyed through Confidi Macerata as a first level Consortium affiliated to the measure. 

What does it predict

This is a contribution in the form of a guarantee combined with a contribution towards interest and Confidi charges: these contributions derive from a bank loan as described in the previous section. 

Objective – Purpose

Start -up/business development, internationalization

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Maximum Allowable Expenditure

150000 €

Allowed Costs

Overheads/other charges

Maximum grantable benefit

15200 €
Subject type
Enterprise, business network


Microenterprise, Small Enterprise, Medium Enterprise

Activity sector

Fashion and textiles, motor vehicles and other means of transport, chemistry and pharmaceutical, electronic, mechanics, metallurgy, furniture, wood and paper, construction, ICT, transport, tourism, health, culture, crafts services


All economic sectors eligible to receive aid



Managing entity

Marche region

Primary regulatory basis

POR MARCHE FESR 2021/2027 – AXIS 1 – OS 1.3 – ACTION 1.3.5 – INTERVENTION” - Framework Agreement called “Credito Futuro Marche” signed on 19/09/2023 Int. Rep. n. 2793 - “NEW CREDIT FUND - ORDINARY SECTION (FNC-ORD)”. Approval of Implementation Contract – CUP B39I23000190007 CIG A027D082B2.

Implementation measure

POR MARCHE FESR 2021/2027 – AXIS 1 – OS 1.3 – ACTION 1.3.5 – INTERVENTION” - Framework Agreement called “Credito Futuro Marche” signed on 19/09/2023 Int. Rep. n. 2793 - “NEW CREDIT FUND - ORDINARY SECTION (FNC-ORD)”. Approval of Implementation Contract – CUP B39I23000190007 CIG A027D082B2.

Incentive allocation

50000 €

Reference site

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