Mutual Guarantee Fund 2021-2027 – Puglia Region

April 11, 2024


Guarantee interventions




Hotel, Other services, Crafts, Motor vehicles and other means of transport, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Commerce, Culture, Construction, Electronics, ICT, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Furniture, Wood and Paper, Fashion and Textiles, Catering, Transport services, Tourism


0 €





January 25, 2024
December 31, 2029


No additional notes


This Notice establishes criteria and methods for the management by Guarantee Cooperatives and Credit Consortia of a Fund for the granting of mutual guarantees in favor of small and medium-sized enterprise members.

Who is it aimed at?

The following are admitted to the Management of the Fund referred to in this Notice: a) Consortiums registered, at the date of the application for access, in the register of financial intermediaries referred to in art. 106 of the Consolidated Banking Act (legislative decree no. 385 of 1993) hereinafter TUB; b) Consortiums - registered in the list pursuant to article 112 or in the list pursuant to art. 106 of the TUB which, on the date of submission of the application referred to in art. 12, have already stipulated network contracts, with or without legal personality, - pursuant to the legislative decree of 10 February 2009, n. 5, converted, with amendments, by law 9 April 2009, n. 33 - aimed at improving the efficiency and operational effectiveness of the participating Consortiums and which in any case have as their lead entity a Consortium registered in the register of financial intermediaries referred to in art. 106 of the TUB; c) Consortia registered on the date of the application for access, in the register of financial intermediaries referred to in art. 106 of the TUB who, for the purposes of integrating the requirements referred to in the following paragraph 5, letters a) and b), make use of financial intermediaries in possession of the same, in analogy with the institution regulated in the art. 104 (advancement) of the Legislative Decree. n. 36/2023 where compatible with the rules of this notice; Recipients of the resources.1. The recipients of the aid are micro-enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises (hereinafter referred to as SMEs) as defined by the European Commission recommendation 2003/361/EC of 06 May 2003. Furthermore, the definition of SMEs includes freelancers as they are equated with small and medium-sized enterprises as carrying out economic activities, according to art. 12 of law no. 81 of 22 May 2017.

What does it predict

The aid granted concerns the following operations, including portfolio operations: a) Guarantee on loans aimed at investments, where the guaranteed amount of the underlying loans does not exceed 1,500,000.00 euros per company.b) Guarantee on loans aimed at current assets (by way of example: stocks of raw materials and finished products, building credit contract for construction, export-import advance, invoice advance, contract advance, subject to collection) where the guaranteed amount of the underlying loans does not exceed 800,000.00 euros for business.

Objective – Purpose

Investment support

Form – Facilitation

Guarantee interventions

Minimum Allowable Expenditure

0 €

Maximum Allowable Expenditure

1500000 €

Allowed Costs

Overheads/other charges

Minimum concession that can be granted

0 €

Maximum grantable benefit

1200000 €
Subject type


Medium Enterprise, Microenterprise, Small Enterprise

Activity sector

Hotel, Other services, Crafts, Motor vehicles and other means of transport, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Commerce, Culture, Construction, Electronics, ICT, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Furniture, Wood and Paper, Fashion and Textiles, Catering, Transport services, Tourism


All economic sectors eligible to receive aid;





Special territorial scope


Other features


Managing entity

Puglia Region - Economic Development Department

Primary regulatory basis

COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2023/2831 of 13 December 2023 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to de minimis aid
Secondary regulatory basis
EU regulation declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty

Implementation measure

COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2023/2831 of 13 December 2023 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to de minimis aid

References Official Journal

18 of 12/02/2024

Incentive allocation

30000000 €

Reference site

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