This is a reinsurance guarantee issued by affiliated consortiums in order to obtain financing for SMEs with registered or operational headquarters in the regional territory.
Who is it aimed at?
Companies that, at the time of the application to the Guarantor and at the time of admission to the benefits of the Fund pursuant to article 15, are in possession of the following subjective requirements can benefit from the Fund's reinsurance: - fall within the parameters set out in the Annex to the Commission Recommendation of 6 May 2003, n. 2003/361/EC; – are registered in the Business Register established at the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture competent for the territory or in the Register of artisan businesses; – have their operational headquarters in the Veneto region; – operate in all sectors.
What does it predict
A reinsurance of the Confidi guarantee aimed at the following loans: LINE A: support for medium and long-term financing operations; LINE B: support for debt consolidation operations; LINE C: support for working capital. The request for reinsurance following the issue of the guarantee must be submitted to the following Consortium Bodies: Fidi Nord Est, Cofidi Veneto, Veneto Garanzie, Neafi, Fiditurismo & Impresa and Italiacomfidi.