The Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers which distributes the 'Support Fund for marginal municipalities' for the years 2021-2023 was published in the Official Journal on 14 December 2021. The fund has a total of 180 million euros assigned to 1,187 municipalities, selected for their particularly disadvantaged conditions, with a negative population growth rate in both the long and short term, social and material vulnerability index (IVSM) above average and with a lower than average income level of the resident population.
Who is it aimed at?
That the companies admitted to the contribution must: - Be duly established and registered in the business register, provided that they undertake a "new economic activity" after the publication of this notice; - "New Economic Activity" also means the activation of new and further ATECO codes;
What does it predict
A maximum contribution of €10,000.00 of expense reportable to the beneficiary. It was decided to finalize the quota of € for the year 2022. 43,961.31 out of the total of €63,961.31, in favor of those who start new commercial, artisanal and agricultural activities, to promote and encourage settlement and give new life to the local economic-productive fabric.