The incentive is part of the Support Fund for marginal municipalities, established with the publication in the Official Journal of 14 December 2021 of the relevant Prime Ministerial Decree, which defines the distribution of the Fund for the years 2021-2023. The establishment of the Fund was arranged in order to promote social cohesion and economic development in the Municipalities particularly affected by depopulation and for which there are significant lacks of attractiveness due to the reduced offer of tangible and intangible services to people and economic activities , respecting complementarity with the national strategy for internal areas. The Municipality of Ricigliano, using the resources of the Fund, intends to finance projects for the start-up of new activities in the municipal area.
Who is it aimed at?
The beneficiaries are new economic activities that undertake commercial, artisanal or agricultural activities through an operational unit located in the territory of the Municipality of Ricigliano (SA).
What does it predict
The granting of non-repayable contributions is envisaged.