Law 178 of 2020 in art. 1, paragraph 196 renames the previous Fund provided for by article 1, paragraph 65-ter by establishing the "Support Fund for Marginal Municipalities". The aim is to promote social cohesion and economic development in Municipalities particularly affected by the phenomenon of depopulation and for which there are significant lacks of attractiveness due to the reduced offer of tangible and intangible services to people and economic activities.
Who is it aimed at?
Those in possession of the following requirements can benefit from the contribution for the start-up of commercial, artisanal and agricultural activities: - Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as defined in Annex I of Regulation (EU) no. 651/2014 ( or natural or legal persons who undertake a new economic activity in the municipality of Colledimezzo and intend to keep it in operation for at least 5 years from the date of declaration of commencement of activity. Existing businesses that start a new economic activity in the municipal area can also benefit from the resources. The loans cannot be disbursed in favor of economic activities already established in the territory of the municipality which simply transfer their headquarters to the same municipal territory; - Subjects not subject to the interdictory sanction referred to in article 9, paragraph 2, letter c) of the legislative decree 8 June 2001, n. 231 or other sanction which entails the prohibition of contracting with the public administration, including the disqualification measures referred to in article 14 of the legislative decree of 9 April 2008, n. 81; they are not in difficulty according to the definition set out in the art. 2 par. 18 of Regulation (EU) no. 651/2014 (and subsequent amendments); - activities duly established and registered in the business register; - activities not in a state of liquidation, bankruptcy or composition with creditors; 2) They can benefit from the contribution for the adaptation of a municipal property, for the opening of commercial, artisanal or professional activities, SMEs, natural or legal persons in possession of the following requirements: - Registration in the business register; - Absence of disqualifying sanctions referred to in article 9, paragraph 2 , letter c) of the legislative decree 8 June 2001, n. 231 or other sanction which entails the prohibition of contracting with the public administration, including the disqualification measures referred to in article 14 of the legislative decree of 9 April 2008, n. 81; they are not in difficulty according to the definition in art. 2 par. 18 of Regulation (EU) no. 651/2014 (; - Absence of liquidation, bankruptcy or preventive composition; 3) Those who transfer their residence and habitual residence to the municipalities of the internal areas, by way of competition, can benefit from the contribution for the purchase and renovation costs of properties to be used as the beneficiary's main residence.
What does it predict
Granting of a contribution for: - starting an economic activity for the purchase of equipment, etc.; – the costs of restructuring the property, to those who transfer their residence.