Marginal mutual fund, 2022 year - Municipality of Zerfaliu

April 30, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund




Agriculture, forestry and fishing


0 €





December 27, 2023
January 31, 2024


No additional notes


The Municipality of Zerfaliu, with Municipal Council Resolution n. 76 of 30.11.2023, has established to use the resources to finance the measures described in the art. 2, paragraph 2, letter. b) and c) of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 30 September 2021, i.e.:b) "granting of contributions for the start-up of commercial, artisanal and agricultural activities through an operational unit located in the territories of the municipalities, or undertaking new economic activities in the aforementioned municipal territories and are duly established and registered in the business register"c) granting of contributions in favor of those who transfer their residence and habitual residence to the municipalities of the internal areas, as a contribution for the purchase and renovation costs of properties to be allocated to main residence of the beneficiary up to a limit of 5,000.00 euros per beneficiary. 

Who is it aimed at?

Companies that:1. They intend to start a new commercial, artisanal and agricultural activity by establishing the registered office in the territory of the Municipality of Zerfaliu;2. are duly established and registered in the business register as long as they undertake a "new economic activity" after the publication of the notice by the Municipalities. By "new economic activity" we also mean the activation of new and additional ATECO codes. Existing businesses that start a new economic activity in the territory of the Municipality of Zerfaliu through a specific production unit can also benefit from the resources. Financing cannot be provided in favor of economic activities already established in the territory referred to in Annex B to the Decree which simply limit themselves to transferring their headquarters to the same municipal territory; 3. they are not in a state of liquidation or bankruptcy and are not subject to bankruptcy or composition with creditors procedures.

What does it predict

The public tender, as per the guidelines contained in the Municipal Council Resolution no. 76 of 30.11.2023, has the objective of financing investment projects that allow the creation of one or more commercial, artisanal and/or agricultural activities within the territory of the Municipality of Zerfaliu.

Objective – Purpose

Youth entrepreneurship, Investment support, Start up/Business development

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Minimum Allowable Expenditure

0 €

Maximum Allowable Expenditure

29403 €

Allowed Costs

Buildings and land, Plant/Machinery/Equipment, Raw materials, consumables and goods, Services, patents and licenses, General expenses/other charges

Minimum concession that can be granted

0 €

Maximum grantable benefit

29403 €
Subject type
Citizen, Business


Microenterprise, Small Business

Activity sector

Agriculture, forestry and fishing


All economic sectors eligible to receive aid;





Special territorial scope


Other features


Managing entity


Primary regulatory basis

Prime Ministerial Decree 09/30/21 Distribution methods, terms, access methods and reporting of contributions from the Marginal Municipalities Fund, in order to carry out support interventions for populations residing in disadvantaged municipalities, for each of the years from 2021 to 2023 .
Secondary regulatory basis

Implementation measure

Prime Ministerial Decree 30 September 2021 – Support fund for marginal municipalities for the years 2021-2023

References Official Journal


Incentive allocation

29403.21 €

Reference site

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