Through this notice, adopted in execution of the municipal council's resolution no. 33 of 6 May 2024, the Municipality of Ronzo-Chienis promotes the granting of non-repayable contributions to cover management expenses in favor of economic activities operating in its territory. It is aimed at supporting the continuity of economic activities present in the municipal territory,
Who is it aimed at?
Companies that, regardless of their legal form, satisfy all the following requirements can be beneficiaries of the intervention: a. qualify as micro-enterprises or small enterprises, as per the decree of the Ministry of Economic Development of 18 April 2005;b. carry out, on the date of submission of the application and through one or more operational units (local units) located in the territory of the Municipality of Ronzo-Chienis: - a commercial activity, in the sectors corresponding to the ATECO codes reported in Annex C; - a craft activity, falling within the requirements of the Framework Law for crafts, Law 8 August 1985, n. 443;c. are duly constituted and registered in the Company Register and are active at the time of submission of the application; d. are not in a state of liquidation or bankruptcy, or are not subject to bankruptcy or composition with creditors procedures; e. are holders of a VAT number; f. are able to comply with state aid legislation (see article 4 of this notice).2. For companies carrying out commercial activities, the exercise, on a principal or secondary basis, of an activity among those corresponding to the ATECO codes referred to in Annex C, must be shown in the company certificate, which can be extracted from the Company Register. 3. For artisan businesses, it will be a necessary condition for accessing the contribution to be registered in section I of the Register of artisan businesses, held by the Chamber of Commerce.
What does it predict
The disbursements incurred from 01 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 to cover the following cost items constitute restorable management expenses: • property rentals/rents; • utilities/energy/telephone/heating/fuel purchase; • equipment rental; • consultancy ;• cleaning;• company safety expenses;• extraordinary covid management expenses (e.g. purchase of plexiglass, sanitization, etc.);• staff training and information expenses. The expenses for which compensation is requested in whole or in part must be documented by regular invoices (or other documents with equivalent probative value, if the conditions apply) addressed to the beneficiary and duly receipted. Self-invoices are not eligible, nor are refunds for any VAT paid on management costs incurred. The expenses in question must not be covered by other public or private financing. The benefits are granted in the form of a non-repayable contribution. The rate of the contribution compared to the eligible expenditure of recognizable management costs varies for artisanal and commercial activities and for the latter also for the different categories of ATECO codes. The maximum contribution amount per company is established, once the constraints regarding state aid have been fulfilled, in the following table: COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES ATECO CODE % CONTRIBUTION MAXIMUM CONTRIBUTION56 - food and drink administration 80% € 1,500.0047 - retail trade 80 % € 1,000.00 ARTISAN ACTIVITIES 80% € 1,000.00 If the overall amount of financing that can be granted to applicant companies, in light of the criteria set out above, is lower than the amount allocated, referred to in paragraph 1, the percentage of contribution granted , compared to the expenses shown, or the maximum amount of contribution payable to the individual company, may be proportionally increased for each application, until the usable resources are exhausted. If the overall amount of financing that can be granted to companies whose application is found to be admissible is greater than the funds allocated, the contribution is redetermined for all in the amount resulting from the division between the budget established by the Fund equal to €16,401.00 and the number of applications submitted deemed compliant with the requirements set out in this notice, taking into account the percentage ratio established between the various admitted categories.