Considered appropriate, through this decree, to implement the aforementioned paragraphs 65-ter and 65-quinquies of the art. 1 of law 27 December 2017, n. 205, applying resource distribution criteria capable of intercepting, in line with the criteria underlying the aforementioned strategy, the support needs of the business entities most in need of support based on demographic and peripheral parameters (understood as remoteness from essential services, in accordance with the partnership agreement), and therefore dividing the fund provided therein among the municipalities present in the internal areas identified, within the partnership agreement as "intermediate", "peripheral" and "ultraperipheral" municipalities where they present a population not exceeding 3000 inhabitants, and "peripheral" and "ultraperipheral" municipalities where they have a population not exceeding 5000 inhabitants; Considered appropriate to provide that the interventions referred to in this decree can be aimed, among other things, at combating the COVID-19 epidemic;
Who is it aimed at?
Businesses and professionals of the Municipality of Poggio Moiano.
What does it predict
One-off contribution as per coefficients published in the public notice on the organisation's institutional website.