With the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 24 September 2020, published in the Official Journal no. 302 of 4.12.2020, funds to support economic, artisanal and commercial activities were assigned to the Municipality of Lei, which for the year 2021 amount to for a total of €12,147.00. With City Council Resolution no. 23 of 03.18.2024, the Administration decided to allocate the sum of €5,000.00 to the provision of non-repayable capital contributions for initiatives that facilitate the renovation, modernization, expansion for product and process innovation of artisanal and commercial activities, including technological innovations induced by the digitalisation of online marketing and distance selling processes, within the scope of intervention line B). Attribution to businesses is envisaged of non-repayable capital contributions for the purchase of machinery, systems, furnishings and various equipment, for intangible investments, for masonry and plant works necessary for the installation and connection of the machinery and new production plants acquired. The operation is aimed at satisfying the need for improvement and redevelopment of existing production structures, to make the offer of services adequate to ensure a greater level of well-being and social inclusion of the citizens of an area characterized by distance from essential services, through the best use and valorisation of territorial capital.
Who is it aimed at?
Owners of craft and commercial activities, small businesses and micro-enterprises, with operational units in the municipality of Lei, or those who undertake new economic activities in the municipal area, duly established and registered in the business register, can access the financing of this action.
What does it predict
For the implementation of financeable interventions, aid is granted in the form of a capital contribution. The maximum amount of the contribution that can be granted is €1,500.00 per eligible person. In the event that there is availability of resources, due to insufficient requests, the municipal administration reserves the right to transfer the contribution, in excess of line B), to line A), if the needs of the requests of line A) are higher than the contribution assigned to it. If, however, line A) does not require further sums, the excess value of contribution B) can be distributed in equal parts to those entitled who have presented a cost of the intervention exceeding the sum of €1,500.00 (maximum contribution payable). In the event that the sum allocated overall for both interventions exceeds the total sums requested, the disbursement of greater contributions will be permitted, in equal parts, determined on the basis of the reporting of the expenses incurred. Similarly, if the sum allocated (€5,000.00) is insufficient to cover all the requests, the entire sum will be divided into equal parts among all the requests deemed eligible. All eligible expenses must be considered net of VAT. The interventions admitted to the financing must be completed within four months from the date of communication of the provision granting the financing, barring any extensions. A withholding tax of 4% will be applied to the amount of contributions paid, excluding those for the purchase of capital goods.