As part of the Regional Fund for the Employment of Disabled People, the Public Notice provides for the granting of contributions to companies and/or private employers aimed at guaranteeing incentives for the hiring of those registered under law 68/99 with natural disabilities psychic
Who is it aimed at?
The recipients of this notice are people with mental disabilities registered - at the time of hiring - in the provincial lists referred to in Article 8 of Law 68/99. The notice makes contributions available to companies and/or employers, with an operational unit receiving the hiring located in a municipality included in the territorial scope of the Employment Services Sector of Florence and Prato, who hire or have hired at starting from 14 January 2023, the recipients, or whose employment relationship has been transformed into a permanent one from 14 January 2023, duly registered at the time of hiring in the provincial lists referred to in art. 8 of L.68/1999 with mental disabilities, as the ultimate recipients of the interventions
What does it predict
Possibility for the beneficiaries, i.e. companies and private employers, even those not obliged to hire people with mental disabilities pursuant to Law 68/99, and with operational units located in the Tuscany Region (Florence and Prato). The measures in this Notice refer to work placement projects aimed at hiring people with mental disabilities which take the form of positive actions aimed at the full inclusion and working well-being of the disabled person in the working context (for example: training, tutoring, coaching, support, accompaniment, etc.). The types of interventions and contribution measures are: permanent hiring, fixed-term hiring for a minimum of 12 months, transformation to permanent, adaptation/transformation of the workplace, establishment of a person responsible for job placement, activation of an internship lasting maximum of 6 months finalized for hiring