The Mi SE ministerial decree of 1 June 2016 regulated the intervention of the national operational program "Enterprises and competitiveness" 2014-2020 FESR for large R&D projects in electronic information and communication technologies and for the implementation of the Digital Agenda Italian and in the context of specific themes relevant to «sustainable industry» in the less developed regions (Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Sicily).
Who is it aimed at?
The following subjects can benefit from the benefits: a) companies that carry out the activities referred to in article 2195 of the civil code, numbers 1) and 3), including artisan companies referred to in law 8 August 1985, n. 443; b) agro-industrial companies that mainly carry out industrial activities; c) companies that carry out the auxiliary activities referred to in number 5) of article 2195 of the civil code, in favor of the companies referred to in letters a) and b), d) research centers with legal personality. Limited to projects proposed jointly with one or more of the aforementioned subjects, the following can also benefit from the concessions: a) freelancers; b) Spin-offs; c) the subjects referred to in the previous letters a), b), c) and ) defined as innovative start-up companies pursuant to article 25, paragraph 2, of the legislative decree of 18 October 2012, n. 179, converted, with amendments, by law 17 December 2012, n. 22
What does it predict
The benefits are granted, within the limits of the maximum aid intensities of the individual notification thresholds established, respectively, by Article 25 and Article 4 of the GBER Regulation, in the form of subsidized financing, for a nominal percentage equal to 20 percent of the eligible costs and expenses, and in the form of a direct contribution to the expenditure, up to a nominal percentage of the eligible costs and expenses broken down as follows: a) for costs and expenses relating to industrial research activities: 1) 60 percent for small-sized companies;2) 50 percent for medium-sized companies;3) 40 percent for large-sized companies;b) for costs and expenses relating to experimental development activities:1) 35 per cent one hundred for small-sized businesses; 2) 25 percent for medium-sized businesses; 3) 15 percent for large-sized businesses.