Eurostars-3 is the program launched within the European partnership Innovative SMEs and aims at the support, innovation and internationalization of SMEs.
Who is it aimed at?
Companies of any size (including SMEs and innovative Startups), Universities, Research Centres, Research Organisations
What does it predict
In order to achieve intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth in the European Union and to support the economic valorisation of innovation throughout the national territory through the experimentation and adoption of high-profile innovative solutions, also through the promotion of stronger relationships close between the community of researchers and small and medium-sized innovative companies, are intended for the co-financing of the projects of Italian companies selected in the Eurostars-3 Co D 5 call, 7,000,000.00 euros (seven million/00) based on the availability of resources assigned to the Ministry of Economic Development referred to in Table A, attached to the Decree of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of 6 August 2021 and subsequent amendments, Mission 4, Component 2, Type of Investment, Intervention 2.2 Partnerships - for research and innovation – Horizon Europe.