Announcement for the disbursement of non-repayable contributions to support trade and craftsmanship provided by the National Fund to support economic, craftsmanship and commercial activities for the year 2022.
Who is it aimed at?
To small and micro commercial and artisanal enterprises (as defined by Recommendation no. 2003/361/EC, implemented by Italy with Ministerial Decree 18 April 2005) based in the Municipality of Villachiara, which follows from the coexistence of the following three requirements: a ) small and micro enterprises in the commercial and artisanal sector that carry out economic activities through an operational unit located in the territory of the Municipality of Villachiara;b) small and micro enterprises operating in the commercial and artisanal sector, duly established and registered in the business register;c ) small and micro businesses operating in the commercial and artisanal sectors which are not in a state of liquidation or bankruptcy and are not subject to bankruptcy or composition with creditors procedures.
What does it predict
A FIXED CONTRIBUTION OF €300.00 to the activities requesting and admitted to the financing that have demonstrated that they have incurred both management and/or investment expenses in the year 2022; THE REMAINING CONTRIBUTION will be distributed proportionally on the basis of the score that will be attributed with the criteria established in the announcement.