The Call supports the entry and permanence in the labor market of people with disabilities with the aim on the one hand of reducing the risks of marginalisation, social exclusion and precarious work, on the other of encouraging greater knowledge of the business system, promoting a more conscious culture of inclusion of people with disabilities, through specific employment assistance interventions aimed at employers with business characteristics.
Who is it aimed at?
To private companies of any size and sector of activity, with registered and/or operational headquarters and/or at least one production unit and/or a branch in the Lombardy Region.
What does it predict
Concessions for preparatory services for the definition and adaptation of company characteristics suitable for the inclusion and/or retention of people with disabilities in employment. Contributions for the purchase of aids and for the adaptation of the workplace, aimed at allowing the inclusion and/or retention of the person with disabilities in employment. Recognition to companies, even those not subject to the obligations set out in Law 68/99, of the costs of creating new working environments, internal to companies and integrated with production processes, as part of broader forms of collaboration with targeted placement services.