Women, Innovation and Business – FESR Lazio 2021-2027
















No additional notes

The Notice supports the innovation of female entrepreneurship, contributing together with other regional, national and European actions to spread the values ​​of entrepreneurship and work among the female population and maximize the quantitative and qualitative contribution of women to economic and social development .

Eligible Subjects

The intervention is intended for companies that fall within the size parameters of SMEs and are women-owned businesses. By women's businesses we mean:

  • the self-employed female worker;
  • the individual business whose owner is a woman;
  • the cooperative society and the partnership in which the number of women members represents at least 60 percent of the members of the corporate structure;
  • the associated firm in which the number of associated women represents at least 60 percent of the members of the corporate structure;
  •  the joint-stock company whose shares are owned in an amount of no less than two thirds by women and by women's businesses and whose administrative bodies are made up of at least two thirds of women.

Only one project can be financed for each female SME.

Female SMEs must have, at the latest at the time of requesting the final payment, an operational headquarters in Lazio where the business activity covered by the subsidized Business Innovation Project takes place.

Female SMEs must meet the other requirements required to contract with the public administration.

What it finances

The Notice supports the introduction of product or business process innovations, which are new for the beneficiary female SME, but not necessarily for the market, and concern the 9 areas of specialization identified by the regional Smart Specialization Strategy ("Life Sciences ”, “Sea Economy”, “Green Economy”, “Agrifood”, “Aerospace”, “Security”, “Automotive and Sustainable Mobility”, “Cultural Heritage and Cultural Technologies” and “Creative and Digital Industries”).


The subsidy is a non-repayable contribution, recognized under de Minimis in the maximum amount of 145,000 euros per single SME and with a percentage of eligible expenses from 40% to 60%.

Eligible expenses

a) expenses for material investments;
b) SaaS, IaaS and Paas fee expenses incurred for the adoption of new digital solutions;
c) expenses for know-how, services and consultancy up to a maximum of 20% of the previous items a) and b);
d) expenses for personnel, general and administrative costs, recognized at a flat rate of 20% of the previous expenses to be reported a), b) and c).

The expenses to be reported referred to in items a), b) and c) must not be less than 50,000 euros and therefore the total cost of the project, including costs
recognized as a lump sum, cannot be less than 60,000 euros.


Projects must be completed and reported within 9 months of their approval.


The start of investigation of the projects takes place through a ranking determined on the basis of the objective criteria reported below and initially formed on the basis of the scores calculated by the same participating female SMEs. During the preliminary investigation, the scores calculated by the applicant companies will be verified.

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Projects assessed as inadequate with reference to each of the above 4 criteria are not considered suitable.


Full payment in a single solution.


Applications can be submitted from 12:00 on April 23rd to 5:00 pm on June 12th.

Objective – Purpose


Form – Facilitation


Minimum Allowable Expenditure


Maximum Allowable Expenditure


Allowed Costs


Minimum concession that can be granted


Maximum grantable benefit

Subject type



Activity sector








Special territorial scope


Other features


Managing entity


Primary regulatory basis

Secondary regulatory basis

Implementation measure


References Official Journal


Incentive allocation


Reference site


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