The announcement for the granting of contributions in favor of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and for aspiring entrepreneurs intends to consolidate and strengthen the economic development of businesses in the trade, tourism, artisan and service sectors that are located in the territory and which, in a complementary way, contribute to the expansion of the offer of available services and to the overall improvement of the socio-economic conditions of the population.
Who is it aimed at?
Companies that satisfy the following requirements are eligible: 1) be MSMEs pursuant to Annex 1 of EU Regulation no. 651/2014; 2) be registered in the Company Register and be active; 3) have a local unit, or undertake to open, within the deadline for the conclusion of the tender, a local unit, which is located within the territorial scope of the Commercial District and which: a) has a shop window on the street or is located on the ground floor of the buildings or inside the courtyards; b) has premises directly accessible to the public, where the following activities are carried out: i) retail sale of goods and/or services; ii) administration of food and drinks; iii) provision of personal services. 4) not falling within the exclusion field referred to in the art. 1 of EU Reg. n. 1407/20 13 “De minimis”;5) not have any of the subjects referred to in the art. 85 of Legislative Decree 6 September 2011 n. 159 (so-called Code of anti-mafia laws) for which there are causes of prohibition, forfeiture, suspension pursuant to art. 67 of the aforementioned Legislative Decree. It should be noted that for personal service activities, businesses that do not have a shop window on the street but have an operational unit on the first floor of the buildings are also permitted. The following are also eligible:• Commercial activities in a public area that satisfy the above requirements and which, in place of a local unit, have a concession within the territorial scope of the District; Only one concession is eligible under the Lombardy Region Districts Notice 2022-2024, activated in the DIDs and DUCs of the Lombardy Region. The application must concern the redevelopment of the mobile operating unit only and can be submitted to only one Commercial District. Due checks will be carried out in this regard. Aspiring entrepreneurs who satisfy the following requirements are also eligible: • Taking over an existing business from a new owner, including generational transfer between entrepreneurs of the same family; • Carry out the temporary use permitted by Regional Law 18/2019; 45 – Not having causes of prohibition, forfeiture or suspension referred to in art. 67 of Legislative Decree 6 September 2011 n. 159 (so-called Code of anti-mafia laws). • Start, before the disbursement of the subsidy by the District, an economic activity that meets the above requirements.
What does it predict
Aid granted as a non-repayable benefit, against a spending budget made up of capital expenditure and current expenditure. It can be a maximum of 50% of the total eligible expenditure (capital and current account) and in any case not greater than the amount of capital expenditure. The maximum amount of the contribution is equal to €3,000.00 (three thousand euros), regardless of the overall value of the investment.