As part of the development of the 2022-2024 trade districts, the call is aimed at granting non-repayable contributions to micro, small and medium-sized businesses in the trade, tourism, crafts and services sectors located within the "Lower" Trade District. Garda - The hills in the showcase" (Municipalities of Lonato del Garda, Bedizzole, Pozzolengo, Calcinato)
Who is it aimed at?
The participation of companies that satisfy the following requirements is permitted: · being MSMEs pursuant to Annex 1 of EU Regulation no. 651/2014; · be registered in the Company Register and be active; · have a local unit, or undertake to open, within the deadline for the conclusion of the tender, a local unit, which is located within the territorial scope of the Commercial District and which: - has a shop window on the street or is located on the ground floor of the buildings or inside the courtyards; - has premises directly accessible to the public, where an activity of: 1. retail sale of goods and/or services;2. administration of food and drinks;3. provision of personal services.
What does it predict
Investment projects are eligible which may include the following types of interventions: · Redevelopment and modernization, with a view to innovation and sustainability, of existing activities; · Start-up of new activities or opening of new local units, or takeover of a new owner at an existing business; · Access, connection and integration of the company with common infrastructures and services offered by the District or participation in the creation of such common infrastructures and services. The interventions must IN ANY CASE concern a local unit located within the area covered by the project. The aid is granted as a non-repayable benefit, against a spending budget freely composed of capital expenditure and current expenditure. The aid is equal to a maximum of 50% of the total eligible expenditure (capital and current account) and in any case not exceeding the amount of capital expenditure. The maximum amount of contribution that can be granted for each individual company is €4,731.18.