Drawings+ 2021

November 15, 2023


Contribution/Repayable fund


Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardy, Marche, Molise, Piedmont, Puglia, Sardinia, Sicily, Tuscany, Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol, Umbria, Valle d'Aosta /Vallée d'Aoste, Veneto


Agri-food, Fashion and Textiles, Motor vehicles and other means of transport, Chemistry and Pharmaceuticals, Electronics, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Furniture, Wood and Paper, Construction, Energy supply, Water and waste management, Commerce, ICT, Transport services, Hotel, Catering , Tourism, Health, Culture, Other services, Crafts







October 12, 2021
October 13, 2021


closed due to exhaustion of resources
Share fact sheet


The Disegno+2021 Call promoted by the General Directorate for the protection of industrial property - UIBM of the Ministry of Economic Development and managed by Unioncamere, intends to support the innovative and competitive capacity of SMEs through the valorisation of designs/models on the national and international markets. The financial resources of the Disegno+2021 call amount to 12,000,000 euros.

Who is it aimed at?

Micro and SMEs with registered and operational headquarters in Italy, holders of registered designs/models.

What does it predict

The object of the benefit is the realization of a project aimed at valorising a design/model - single or one or more designs/models belonging to the same multiple deposit. The design/model must be registered with the Italian Patent and Trademark Office (UIBM) or the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) or the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). In this last case, Italy must be among the designated countries. The design/model must be registered starting from 1 January 2019 and in any case prior to the submission of the application for participation and be valid. The benefits are granted up to 80% of the eligible expenses within the maximum amount of €60,000 and in compliance with the maximum amounts envisaged for each type of external specialist service requested.

Objective – Purpose

Innovation and research, investment support, internationalization

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Allowed Costs

Services, patents and licenses
Subject type


Microenterprise, Small Enterprise, Medium Enterprise

Activity sector

Agri-food, Fashion and Textiles, Motor vehicles and other means of transport, Chemistry and Pharmaceuticals, Electronics, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Furniture, Wood and Paper, Construction, Energy supply, Water and waste management, Commerce, ICT, Transport services, Hotel, Catering , Tourism, Health, Culture, Other services, Crafts


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Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardy, Marche, Molise, Piedmont, Puglia, Sardinia, Sicily, Tuscany, Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol, Umbria, Valle d'Aosta /Vallée d'Aoste, Veneto

Other features

Patents and trademarks, Innovation, Digital transformation, Startups, Design

Managing entity


Primary regulatory basis

Notice relating to the tender for the granting of incentives to companies for the valorisation of designs and models (DISEGNI+2)

Implementation measure


References Official Journal

194 of 08/14/2021

Incentive allocation

12000000 €

Reference site


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