Interventions for the development and consolidation of "product clubs" in the form of business networks, which encourage the development of new services and new activities (process and product innovation) to adapt the offer to the changing needs of tourist demand on the basis of specific market analyses. In particular, contributions will be made to support: a. market analysis on the evolution of demand, benchmarking activities with good practices, training, adoption of innovative tools;b. consolidation of the product club, also through the purchase and creation of "club goods" and/or the sharing of specialist services, management and marketing networking activities, dynamic packaging, Interventions for the consolidation of product clubs established in the form of networks of companies already benefiting from POR FESR 2014 - 2020 measures in favor of companies belonging to the club and instrumental goods for the different types of clubs; c. strengthening of professional figures (specialist technical assistance) to support the product club to improve coordination between member companies and in the relationship with market demand.
Who is it aimed at?
Networks of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises which, at the time of submission of the application, are constituted with the legal form of a "Network contract", as defined by current legislation, registered in the section of the business register in which each participant in the network is registered
What does it predict
benchmark activities with good practices, adoption of innovative tools, aimed at consolidating the product club;¿ expenses for the possible adaptation of the Network;¿ expenses for the purchase of movable assets and services functional to the creation and development of the tourism product of the Network;¿ technical-specialist assistance costs provided by entities external to the Network for the development and operational coordination of the Network project; ¿ expenses for the promotion and marketing of the tourist product (e.g. website, brochures, online promotion, social networks, fairs, etc.); ¿ expenses for training the owners and/or staff of the companies belonging to the Network; ¿ expenses for guarantees provided by banks, insurance companies or other financial institutions or by collective credit guarantee consortia relating to the requested guarantee;¿ expenses for plant engineering interventions aimed at developing the tourism product;¿ other expenses ancillary to the activity and network operation