Criteria and methods for interventions to support economic promotion initiatives organized by third parties - Emilia Chamber of Commerce

October 24, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund


Emilia Romagna


Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Agri-food, Fashion and Textiles, Motor vehicles and other means of transport, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Electronics, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Furniture, Wood and Paper, Construction, Energy supply, Water and waste management, Commerce, ICT, Services transport, hospitality, catering, tourism, health, culture, other services, crafts


1000 €





July 13, 2023
December 31, 2025


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The purpose of the Regulation "Criteria and methods for interventions in support of economic promotion initiatives organized by third parties" is to establish the criteria that the Parma Chamber of Commerce follows for interventions in support of economic promotion initiatives carried out by public entities and private individuals in order to guarantee the transparency and impartiality of administrative action pursuant to art. 12 of Law 241/1990 and the community principles of non-discrimination and transparency. 

Who is it aimed at?

The following can be beneficiaries of Chamber of Commerce interventions: a. private bodies and organizations carrying collective or widespread interests of the business system or sectors of the economic and civil community: for example, business associations, business consortia, consumer and workers' representation associations or other associations; b. public bodies and bodies with predominantly public capital;c. companies owned by the Chamber of Commerce; d. individual businesses, professionals, citizens, if the grant application concerns projects and interventions with a significant impact on the provincial socio-economic system. 

What does it predict

The chamber's interventions consist of: a) the granting of economic contributions; b) the granting of free legal aid; c) the granting of free use of rooms in the chamber's conference centre. The Chamber of Commerce directs its support interventions in favor of initiatives aimed at the socio-economic development of the territory and at increasing the competitiveness of the territory and of the business system and in particular to initiatives, consistent in terms of purpose and content, with the following objectives: a) diffusion of technological innovation and quality; b) promotion of marketing within and abroad; c) professional training and entrepreneurial culture; d) study of the economic and social reality of the province and the dynamics of the system entrepreneurial; e) valorisation of the territory, with particular regard to the increase in tourist flows. In any case, the interventions must have as a point of reference the promotional objectives identified in the annual program as defined by the forecast and programmatic report adopted by the Chamber Council. The annual program is disseminated through publication on the Chamber's website. 

Objective – Purpose

Start -up/business development, female entrepreneurship, digitalization, innovation and research, ecological transition, youth entrepreneurship, internationalization

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Minimum Allowable Expenditure

1000 €

Maximum Allowable Expenditure

600000 €

Allowed Costs

Personnel costs, Professional Training, Services, patents and licenses, General expenses/other charges

Minimum concession that can be granted

500 €

Maximum grantable benefit

300000 €
Subject type
Company, financial institution, professional, business network, cooperatives/non -profit associations, consortium, public body, university/research body, citizen


Microenterprise, Small Enterprise, Medium Enterprise, Large Enterprise, Unclassifiable/classified

Activity sector

Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Agri-food, Fashion and Textiles, Motor vehicles and other means of transport, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Electronics, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Furniture, Wood and Paper, Construction, Energy supply, Water and waste management, Commerce, ICT, Services transport, hospitality, catering, tourism, health, culture, other services, crafts


All economic sectors eligible to receive aid


Emilia Romagna


Agazzano; Albareto; Albinea; Alseno; Upper Tidone Valley; Bagnolo in Piano; Bards; Bedonia; Baiso; Besenzone; Bettola; Berceto; Bobbio; Bore; Bibbiano; Borgonovo Val Tidone; Borgo Val di Taro; Boretto; Busseto; Brescello; Cadelbosco di Sopra; Cadeo; Calendasco; Calestano; Walk; Campagnola Emilia; Campegine; Caorso; Carpaneto Piacentino; Canossa; Carpineti; Casalgrande; Casina; Castell'Arquato; Castellarano; Castelnovo di Sotto; Castel San Giovanni; Castelvetro Piacentino; Castelnovo ne' Monti; Cerignale; coli; Cavriago; Collecchio; Colorno; Compiano; Corte Brugnatella; Corniglio; Correggio; Cortemaggiore; Farini; Factory; Ironworks; Feline; Fidenza; Fiorenzuola d'Arda; Fontanellato; Fontevivo; Gazzola; Fornovo di Taro; Gattatico; Gossolengo; Gragnano Trebbiense; Gropparello; Langhirano; Gualtieri; Guastalla; Lugagnano Val d'Arda; Lesignano de' Bagni; Luzzara; Medesano; Mezzani; Monchio delle Corti; Monticelli d'Ongina; Montechiarugolo; Montecchio Emilia; Morfasso; Nibbiano; Neviano degli Arduini; Brass; Walnut grove; Novellara; Pecorara; Palanzano; Parma; Piacenza; Pianello Val Tidone; Pilgrim Parma; Piozzano; Podenzano; Polesine Zibello; Oil Bridge; Pontenure; Poviglio; Quattro Castella; Reggiolo; Reggio nell'Emilia; Rivergaro; Roccabianca; Rio Saliceto; Brake breaker; Rolo; Rubiera; San Giorgio Piacentino; Baganza Hall; Salsomaggiore Terme; San Pietro in Cerro; San Martino in Rio; San Polo d'Enza; Sarmatian; San Secondo Parmense; Sant'Ilario d'Enza; Solignano; Sissa Trecasali; Scandiano; Soragna; Sorbol; Sorbolo Mezzani; Terence; Tizzano Val Parma; Toano; Tornolo; Torrile; Traversetol; Travo; Valmozzola; Varano de' Melegari; Vernasca; Varsi; Ventasso; Vetto; Vezzano sul Crostolo; Viano; Vigolzone; Villanova sull'Arda; Villa Minozzo; Zerba; Ziano Piacentino

Other features

In order to allow the Chamber of Commerce to plan its interventions, providing adequate financial resources in compliance with the indications and priorities identified by the planning tools, subjects who intend to obtain contributions to support interesting initiatives for the purposes of promoting the economy provincial authorities present a preliminary application by 31 October of the year preceding the year in which the initiative takes place, formulating a description of the aims, contents and economic value of the initiative and indicating the amount of the contribution that is expected to be requested. The Council - having examined the initiatives - will decide whether to include the Chamber's intervention in the promotional program of activities for the following year, identifying the necessary resources within the economic budget. The application must in any case be reconfirmed, within the terms referred to in paragraph 4. Requests for contributions that are received after the deadline indicated in paragraph 1 will be evaluated from time to time on the basis of the characteristics of the initiative and budget availability. The determination of the extent of the financing is carried out by the Council based on the evaluation of the following factors:  the nature of the initiative or project as a "system" action, a characteristic identifiable in light of elements such as: inter-sectorality, the number and quality of the subjects promoters, the quality of the other subjects involved in supporting the initiative;  the quality of the planning; the interest of the applicants towards the initiative, as demonstrated by the self-financing quota;  the application referring to a new initiative, in the launch phase  The territorial scope of reference of the initiative (local, provincial, regional, national, international)  The capacity to impact on the economy and the territory  The persistence of positive long-term effects on the economy and the territory following the implementation  The existence of a committee or other technical-organizational guarantee body. For the initiatives referred to in art. 5 paragraph 2, the chamber contribution cannot normally exceed the maximum amount of 50% of the costs and, in any case, the sum of 30,000 euros. For events of a local nature, deemed eligible for financing pursuant to art. 3 paragraph 3, the chamber contribution cannot normally exceed the sum of 2,500 euros. In implementation of the principle of rotation of the beneficiaries referred to in the art. 3, initiatives that are repeated periodically will generally not be able to benefit from more than three successive contributions 

Managing entity

Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of Emilia

Primary regulatory basis

Criteria and methods for interventions to support economic promotion initiatives organized by third parties

Implementation measure

Criteria and methods for interventions to support economic promotion initiatives organized by third parties

Incentive allocation

1600000 €

Reference site

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