The Romagna Chamber of Commerce, using funds made available by the Emilia-Romagna Region, allocates the sum of 1,000,000.00 euros to intervene with an extraordinary contribution aimed at supporting continuity and restart with a view to restarting and competitiveness in favor of businesses damaged by the floods of May 2023.
Who is it aimed at?
The incentive is aimed at companies registered and active in the Company Register (at least from 30 April 2023), with registered office and/or local operational unit in the provinces of Forlì-Cesena and Rimini, which have suffered direct and immediate damage due of the flood events of May 2023, and located in the territories identified with Legislative Decree no. 61 of 1/6/2023 converted by Law no. 100 of 7/31/2023.
What does it predict
The intervention integrates what was implemented by the Romagna Chamber of Commerce during 2023 with the "2023 climate events notice" (approved with Chamber Council resolution no. 73 of 07/18/2023), which provided for the granting of an extraordinary contribution , equal to 2,500.00 euros to support businesses in the municipal areas in the provinces of Forlì-Cesena and Rimini affected by the flood events in the restoration and resumption of normal production activity. The contribution is assigned on a non-repayable basis, in a single solution, for the following cases: - euro 2,500.00 to companies already benefiting from the contribution regulated by the "2023 climate events call", provided that the eligibility and without the need to submit further documentation proving the causal link; – 5,000.00 euros to companies not benefiting from the contribution regulated by the “2023 Climate Events Notice”, upon demonstration of the causal link of the damage suffered with the flood events of May 2023, attaching (alternatively): photographic/video documentation; invoices issued starting from 1 May 2023 relating to actions aimed at guaranteeing business continuity, the continuation of restoration and modernization works, the restart of activities; damage quantification report. Each company can submit only one grant application. Contribution requests, filled out on the basis of the provided forms, must be transmitted exclusively electronically, with digital signature, through the online "Contributions to businesses" desk, within the Webtelemaco system of Infocamere - Servizi e-gov, from 10:00 am on 09/17/2024 to 2:00 pm on 10/31/2024.