Tax credit to support businesses in the technological and digital transformation process by creating or consolidating the skills in the enabling technologies necessary to achieve the 4.0 paradigm.
Who is it aimed at?
All companies resident in the territory of the State (including permanent organizations of non-residents), with the exception of those in a state of voluntary liquidation, bankruptcy, forced administrative liquidation, composition with creditors without business continuity, or other insolvency proceedings. Furthermore, companies that are the recipients of disqualification sanctions for administrative offenses resulting from crime are excluded. The beneficiary companies must comply with the regulations on safety in the workplace and the obligations to pay social security and welfare contributions for workers.
What does it predict
A tax credit is recognized in an amount equal to a percentage of the costs incurred by the company for training activities aimed at its staff. There are maximum thresholds for the benefit due. The benefit is recognized to a different extent based on the size of the beneficiary company. Furthermore, a specific reward mechanism is envisaged for small and medium-sized enterprises that invest in training courses that meet specific criteria dictated by the Ministry of Economic Development. The credit can be used as compensation pursuant to art. 17 of Legislative Decree 241/1997, in three annual installments of the same amount, from the tax period following the one in which the activities are carried out. The credit does not contribute to the formation of the tax base for the purposes of income taxes and IRAP. For details relating to subsidized costs, the size of the credit and the specific reward mechanism reserved for small and medium-sized enterprises, see: -d-set-training