The intervention "Creation of themed experience itineraries" Measure 19.2 Intervention intends to diversify and enrich the tourist offer of the different sub-areas of the GAL L Rural District BMG (Barbagia, Mandrolisai, Gennargentu), proposing "itineraries framework” and “circuits” that are accessible, usable and eco-sustainable in the area. The itineraries are selected based on the level of territorial aggregation, their contiguity or connection to characteristic and characterizing goods and/or environments, the degree of involvement of local operators, associations and communities and their coherence with the motivations most sought after by the demand tourist. The specific objective of the intervention is to encourage the creation and/or enhancement of themed experience tourist itineraries (environmental, cultural and food and wine).
Who is it aimed at?
The beneficiaries of this announcement are single, aggregated or grouped municipalities in the associative forms envisaged by the TU and the EE laws. LL of the territory of the GAL BMG, namely: Aritzo, Atzara, Austis, Belvì, Desulo, Gadoni, Gavoi, Lodine, Meana Sardo, Ollolai, Oniferi, Olzai, Ortueri, Ovodda, Sarule, Sorgono, Teti, Tiana, Tonara.
What does it predict
The following investments are eligible for funding: - Creation of tourist itineraries, equipped areas and signposted routes and their networking - Creation and improvement of hiking routes on foot, on horseback and by bicycle. - Creation of new access or connection routes between several thematic itineraries.- Purchase/creation and installation of descriptive panels, directional signs and discontinuities.- Interventions aimed at ensuring accessibility and usability for users with complex and differentiated needs (wooden platforms and bridges on slippery paths or on paths with steps and terraces, rest areas and observation posts suitable for those using wheelchairs, indications with Braille writing or tactile maps for those with visual difficulties, etc.).- Creation of temporary shelter structures from bad weather, areas for rest and refreshment points with wooden tables and benches. - Wildlife viewing points. - Support points and toilet facilities. - Georeferencing of itineraries. Adaptation of properties and purchase of furniture and equipment for the creation of information centers. and tourist reception. Intangible investments: acquisition of computer programs.