With the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 10 August 2023, issued in concert with the Minister of Labor and Social Policies, the Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy and the Minister of Economy and Finance, the resources were distributed of the Extraordinary Fund for Publishing, equal to 140 million for 2023. In particular, article 4, paragraph 2, of the aforementioned Prime Ministerial Decree envisaged, as a measure aimed at promoting employment stability, a flat-rate contribution in favor of employers belonging to newspaper and periodical publishing companies, press agencies and local and national television and radio broadcasters, not owned by the State, within the limit of 7.5 million euros for the year 2023, which constitutes the ceiling of expenditure, in compliance with the current regulation relating to the application of de minimis aid. With a subsequent decree of the Head of the Department for Information and Publishing dated 28 November 2023, the methods for using this benefit were defined in article 4.
Who is it aimed at?
The contribution is recognized to employers belonging to newspaper and periodical publishing companies, press agencies and local and national television and radio broadcasters, not owned by the State. The requirements for admission to the benefit are: a) the indication in the business register of the prevailing and/or primary ATECO classification code with the following specifications: o for newspaper publishing companies: 58.13 (newspaper publishing) o for publishing companies of periodicals: 58.14 (edition of magazines and periodicals); o for news agencies: 63.91 (activities of news agencies); o for radio broadcasters: 60.10 (radio broadcasts); o for television broadcasters: 60.20 (programming activities and television broadcasts); b) registration in the Register of Communication Operators (ROC), established at the Communications Authority. c) not subject to liquidation procedures voluntary, forced administrative or judicial
What does it predict
The contribution is recognized in the amount of 14,000 euros for each transformation into a permanent employment contract, during the year 2023, of fixed-term journalistic contracts or The contribution contributes to the formation of income and, therefore, is subject to withholding tax. Individuals who intend to access the contribution for the year 2023 can submit an application to the Department from 10:00 am on 23 April to 5:00 pm on 23 May 2024. Each applicant company can send only one application relating to all hirings completed by 31 December 2023. The application must be digitally signed by the legal representative of the company exclusively with a CAd ES signature. In the event of an error, it will be possible, for the entire duration of the counter opening, to submit a new application which cancels the previous one. For the application methods and the documentation required for submitting the application for access to the benefit, the aforementioned decree of the Head of the Department for Information and Publishing of 28 November 2023 applies. For further details on the measure, consult the dedicated page of the Department for Information and Publishing website. Finally, it should be noted that the facilitation rule does NOT provide for any "allowed expenses", as it is a flat-rate contribution recognized for each new contract; the amount entered in this portal under the heading "Maximum eligible expenditure" refers to the intensity of the maximum grantable aid provided for by the scheme ("de minimis" aid ceiling).