Economic contribution to local television and radio broadcasters based on criteria that aim to support employment, technological innovation, the quality of programs and information, also based on audience figures
Who is it aimed at?
Commercial and community TV and radio. For TV broadcasters: - from 14 to 8 (of which 4/2 journalists) employees dedicated to the provision of audiovisual media services, depending on whether the reference territory has from 5 to less than 1.5 million inhabitants - commitment not to broadcast teleshopping programs beyond the established limits - adherence to self-regulation codes on teleshopping, protection of minors and sporting events - having broadcast at least two daily editions of local news - regularity in the payment of contributions and administrative fees to the MISE For radio broadcasters: - a minimum number of 2 employees with at least one journalist For community radio and TV broadcasters: - 50% of the dedicated funding will be divided equally among all the beneficiaries; the other 50% will be divided according to merit criteria.
What does it predict
Annual non-repayable contribution. The financial endowment is divided among the beneficiaries in proportion to the score acquired by each broadcaster admitted to the ranking.