The art. 1, paragraph 157 of law 30 December 2020, n. 178, containing "State budget forecast for the financial year 2021 and multi-year budget for the three-year period 2021-2023" attributed a contribution to the Biella Industrial Union (UIB) to support the textile industry, seriously damaged by the persistent epidemiological emergency from COVID-19, to protect the supply chain and for the planning of design, experimentation, research and development activities in the textile sector. The decree of the Minister of Economic Development of 8 August 2022 identifies, pursuant to article 1, paragraph 158, of law 30 December 2020, n. 178, the methods of disbursement of the contribution, defining the criteria for the selection of the initiatives and activities that can be financed, the eligible expenses and the methods of verification, control and reporting of the expenses incurred using the same contribution. The available resources amount to ten million euros.
Who is it aimed at?
The public or private entities identified as implementing entities within the scope of the Agreement signed by the Ministry, the UIB, the implementing entities themselves and the other public administrations involved can benefit from the concessions.
What does it predict
The benefits are granted on the basis of a negotiation evaluation procedure, pursuant to article 6 of legislative decree 31 March 1998, n. 123. As part of the aforementioned procedure, in implementation of article 1, paragraph 157, of law 30 December 2020, n. 178, the UIB has strategic coordination functions, taking on, in particular, the role of promoter of interventions to support the Biella textile industry in view of the definition of the specific Agreement between the Ministry and the parties interested in the implementation of the aforementioned interventions. In order to activate the negotiation procedure aimed at defining the Agreement, the UIB presents the Ministry with a Framework Proposal containing intervention hypotheses consistent with the programs and lines of intervention identified. Investment programs located in the province of Biella are eligible for the concessions, aimed at creating structures and tools capable of increasing the competitiveness, innovation and sustainability of the Biella textile industry, attributable to one or more of the following lines of intervention: a) creation of innovation hubs in the textile sector; b) valorisation of Biella's textile cultural heritage. The programs are defined in the Agreement between the Ministry and the interested parties and implemented through executive projects presented by the implementing entities.