The Sondrio Chamber of Commerce provides a fund of €35,000 for the inclusion of students in courses for transversal skills and orientation (PCTO) and for the promotion of the national register for school-work alternation and registration in the same by companies.
Who is it aimed at?
The call is aimed at MSMEs with productive activities in the province of Sondrio, registered in the National Register for school-work alternation, which have hosted courses for transversal skills and orientation (PCTO) underway on 1 January 2024 or activated subsequently on that date and concluded by 31 December 2024.
What does it predict
The benefit provides for the recognition of a non-repayable contribution in favor of the host company, modulated as follows: a. €500 for each PCTO path completed;b. €100 additional in the case of hiring a disabled student certified in accordance with Law 104/92;c. €200 additional in the case of activation of a path included within the skills certification project developed by Unioncamere; d. as an alternative to the previous letter c), €100 for companies that have completed a self-assessment among those made available by the Chamber of Commerce. For each company, a maximum of two paths will be eligible for contribution, even with a single application.