Contributions for the reduction of labor costs - Year 2024 - Municipality of Padria

October 22, 2024


Risk capital




Agriculture, silviculture and fishing, furniture, wood and paper, building, trade, tourism, culture, craftsmanship


1 €





January 1, 2024
December 31, 2024


No additional notes
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With the project “Contributions for the hiring of n. 6 young unemployed residents in the Municipality of Padria", the municipal administration intends to support an active employment policy intervention by creating concrete opportunities for job placement for the town's unemployed.

Who is it aimed at?

The project is aimed at unemployed young people. The project finances start-up, insertion and accompaniment paths into the world of work at companies operating in the Padria area that hire or have hired, on a fixed or permanent basis, in the period from 01/05/2024 to 31/12/2024, young residents in the Municipality of Padria. The reference sectors are the following: – Agriculture and livestock farming; – ancient professions (butcher, shoemaker, blacksmith, carpenter, electrician, bartender, plumber); – Local production (production of bread, sweets…); – Catering; – Freelance.

What does it predict

The economic operator, who is the recipient of the contribution following the approval of the ranking referred to in article 10, will receive the maximum overall sum of 1,000.00, commensurate with the amount actually incurred by way of salary and social security contributions for the hiring, in the period from 01/05/2024 to 31/12/2024, of a young unemployed man from Padria.

Objective – Purpose

Business crisis, Social inclusion

Form – Facilitation

Risk capital

Minimum Allowable Expenditure

1 €

Maximum Allowable Expenditure

1000 €

Allowed Costs

Staff Price

Minimum concession that can be granted

1 €

Maximum grantable benefit

1000 €
Subject type
Business, Citizen


Microenterprise, Small Enterprise, Medium Enterprise

Activity sector

Agriculture, silviculture and fishing, furniture, wood and paper, building, trade, tourism, culture, craftsmanship


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Other features

For the purposes of payment of the contribution, the beneficiary company must submit the following documentation to the Municipality: - copy of the UNILAV form showing the hiring during 2024; - copy of the payments of the social security contributions of the worker concerned; - copy of the pay slips and transfers in favor of the worker concerned; - documents certifying payment of INAIL coverage for the worker concerned;

Managing entity

Municipality of Padria

Primary regulatory basis

Public tender for the assignment of contributions for the reduction of labor costs for the year 2024

Implementation measure

Public tender for the assignment of contributions for the reduction of labor costs for the year 2024

Incentive allocation

6000 €

Reference site

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