Public notice addressed to companies that manage confiscated assets, in implementation of Regional Law 7/2012 "New interventions for the valorisation of assets seized and confiscated from organized crime".
Who is it aimed at?
The announcement is aimed at bodies and associations, referred to in art. 48 paragraph 3 letter c) of Legislative Decree 159/2011, who received concession of an asset confiscated from organized crime in the territory of the Campania Region. These subjects can also participate in an aggregate form, through the Contract Networks, the ATS (Temporary Purpose Associations) and the ATI (Temporary Business Associations), established or to be established. In the case of Consortia, the Beneficiary is the Consortium itself, and not the individual subjects who are part of it.
What does it predict
The benefit consists in the provision of a "de minimis" contribution granted in the amount of 100% of the eligible expenses up to a maximum amount of €50,000.00 for candidate interventions both in single and associated form.