Non-repayable contributions to micro-enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, consortia and consortium companies, even in cooperative form, registered in the provincial register of artisan enterprises (AIA) of Friuli Venezia Giulia operating in the sectors of artistic, traditional and craft manufacturing. 'tailor-made clothing, as defined by the regulation issued by decree of the President of the Region 20 December 2002, n. 400/Pres. The intervention is aimed at promoting artistic, traditional craftsmanship and tailor-made clothing in urban centres.
Who is it aimed at?
Micro-enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, consortia and consortium companies, even in cooperative form, registered in the Provincial Register of artisanal enterprises (AIA) of Friuli Venezia Giulia operating in the sectors of artistic and traditional manufacturing and made-to-measure clothing, as defined by the regulation issued by decree of the President of the Region 20 December 2002, n. 400/Pres.
What does it predict
Eligible are expenses incurred starting from 1 January 2023 for modernisation, expansion, renovation and extraordinary maintenance works on properties used or to be used as laboratories, design costs, works management and testing, for the purchase of furnishings to be used for use of laboratories, the purchase of hardware, software, machinery and equipment intended or to be intended for use in laboratories.