Non-refundable contributions to micro-enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, consortia and consortium companies, even in cooperative form, registered in the provincial register of artisan enterprises (AIA) of Friuli Venezia Giulia for the first time. The intervention aims to promote and support the birth of new artisan businesses; Companies registered with the AIA can be financed for expenses incurred in the six months preceding and in the twenty-four months following registration with the AIA.
Who is it aimed at?
Micro-enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, consortia and consortium companies, even in cooperative form, registered in the provincial register of artisan enterprises (AIA) of Friuli Venezia Giulia for the first time. The owner or business partner of the applicant company must not be the owner or business partner of an artisan company already registered in the AIA and subsequently canceled or of a non-artisan company already registered in the business register.
What does it predict
Eligible are expenses incurred starting from 1 January 2023 for legal expenses, for the purchase of machinery, equipment, furniture and IT programs, for the execution of construction and plant works, for the design, works management and testing, for the salary of permanent employees and to facilitate access to e-commerce.