Contributions to local radio companies in Abruzzo affected by the serious liquidity crisis due to Covid-19

February 15, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund




Other services







January 6, 2023
January 8, 2024


No additional notes
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Contributions to local radio companies affected by the serious liquidity crisis due to Covid-19 recorded in 2020 as per LR no. 32 of 13.12.2022, art. 18, co.16 containing "Extraordinary interventions to support local radio companies in Abruzzo". The contributions were granted "as partial compensation for the lost revenues of local radio companies in Abruzzo, resulting from and as a result of the Covid-19 epidemiological emergency. The contributions are granted and paid in compliance with the provisions on state aid referred to in the regional law of 10 November 2014, n. 39 (Provisions on the participation of the Abruzzo Region in the regulatory processes of the European Union and on the procedures for implementing European obligations) and law 25 December 2012, n. 234 (General rules on Italy's participation in the formation and implementation of European Union legislation and policies)”. Access to the contribution is provided for the subjects referred to in the following art. 2 with reference to support interventions for a decrease in operating revenues recorded as a result of the health emergency, in the period January-December 2020 compared to the same period of the previous year.

Who is it aimed at?

The notice is aimed at "local radio companies affected by the serious liquidity crisis resulting from the spread of the infectious respiratory disease Covid-19" registered in the year 2020 (hereinafter Applicants) pursuant to and for the provisions of the aforementioned art. 18, co. 16 of LR 32/2022 and subsequent amendments, in compliance with the principles established by the Statute and the relevant legislation and in particular by art. 12 of law 7 August 1990, n. 241 and subsequent amendments (New rules regarding administrative procedures and the right of access to administrative documents), as well as in compliance with the provisions set out in the following articles. The subjects requesting the granting of contributions must possess, in addition to the subjective eligibility requirements referred to in the art. 3, those indicated below: – the commercial and community radio broadcasters, operating in the territory of the Abruzzo Region as of 31 January 2020 and with registered office in the Abruzzo Region, suppliers of the public radio service, consisting of production and broadcasting activities on all local radio content distribution platforms (local sound broadcasting stations, with signal transmission using analogue, electronic, digital technology or DAB/DAB+ or DRM/DRM+ technologies, of a commercial nature having the legal nature of partnerships or of capital or of a cooperative company, which employs at least two employees in compliance with the current social security provisions, art. 21, co. 1, letter a, Legislative Decree no. 208 of 8.11.2021); – the radio broadcasters referred to in the previous point in possession of registration, as of 31 January 2020, in the Register of Communication Operators (“ROC”), pursuant to art. 2 of Resolution no. 666/08/CONS, register established at the Communications Authority pursuant to law 31 July 1997, n. 249; In order to recognize the aforementioned contribution, it is necessary that the Applicants: – are in compliance with the payment of taxes and duties or social security and welfare contributions for workers; – do not fall under any of the causes of forfeiture, suspension or prohibition provided for by the art. 67 of Legislative Decree 159/2011 and subsequent amendments or an attempted mafia infiltration pursuant to art. 84, paragraph 4, of the same decree; – possess the suitability requirements to contract with the public administration referred to in the articles. 94, 95, 96, 97, 98 and 100 of Legislative Decree 31 March 2023, n. 36 “Public Contracts Code”;- hold a bank account; – have not been recipients, in the 3 years preceding the date of publication of this Notice, of administrative proceedings connected to revocation acts for violation of the prohibition on diversion of assets, for ascertained serious negligence in the realization of the investment and/or in the failure to achieve of the objectives set by the initiative, due to lack of the essential requirements, due to irregularities in the documentation produced, in any case attributable to the beneficiary, and not remediable, as well as in the case of undue receipt, ascertained by judicial order, and, in the case of reimbursable aid, for failure to comply with the repayment plan; The contributions referred to in this notice are granted and awarded in compliance with the provisions on state aid, pursuant to and for the provisions of the articles. 107 and 108 of the TFEU (EU Treaty 26.10.2012, Official Journal EU 26.10.2012 n. C 326), so-called “de minimis”. In order to verify the aforementioned requirements with the application for participation, the Applicant must produce a self-declaration issued in accordance with the law pursuant to articles. 46 and 47 of the Presidential Decree of 28 December 2000, n. 445 relating to the possession of the above requirements, as well as certifying the decrease in management revenues.

What does it predict

The contribution is subject to the economic damage - decrease in operating revenues recorded in the 2020 financial year compared to the 2019 financial year - actually suffered by the Applicant as a result of the economic crisis following the proclamation of the state of epidemiological emergency from Covid-19, compared to that created in 2019 for the same period. The amount of the contribution was paid in relation to the reduction in revenues recorded in the period from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020, considered both in percentage terms and in absolute value. The contribution granted has never exceeded the absolute value of the reduction in operating revenues recorded by the requesting parties.

Objective – Purpose

Liquidity support

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Allowed Costs

Overheads/other charges
Subject type


Large Enterprise, Medium Enterprise, Micro Enterprise, Unclassifiable/classified, Small Enterprise

Activity sector

Other services


59.20; 60.00; 60.10; 61.00; 61.20; 61.90;



Managing entity

Abruzzo Regional Council

Primary regulatory basis

Adjustment to the 2022-2024 budget forecast pursuant to art. 50 of Legislative Decree 118/2011 and subsequent amendments, with amendments to regional laws and further urgent provisions.

Implementation measure

Adjustment to the 2022-2024 budget forecast pursuant to art. 50 of Legislative Decree 118/2011 and subsequent amendments, with amendments to regional laws and further urgent provisions.

Incentive allocation

200000 €

Reference site

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