Contributions to newspaper and magazine resale businesses located in the Marche – Earthquake Crater Region

July 16, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund






0 €





May 16, 2024
July 8, 2024


No additional notes
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With this intervention, the Marche Region intends to support the development of the activity and presence of newsstands in the area which represent an essential element in the development of culture and information for the mitigation of the effects produced by the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 epidemiological emergency through the granting of an extraordinary one-off non-repayable contribution. The objective is to support the sector's sales network, which represents an important support for the community as well as a guarantee tool for the dissemination of pluralist information on the regional territory. 

Who is it aimed at?

Only newspaper and magazine resale companies that have their operational headquarters or local unit in one of the municipalities in the seismic crater of the Marche Region can apply. Applications with the following characteristics are eligible for the contribution: - the company was closed or had an interruption in the newspaper supply service for at least two continuous months in the period between 01.03.2020 and 31.12.2021 a due to failure to deliver by the distribution agencies; - the company is duly established and registered in the Chamber of Commerce's Business Register; - the company is active at the time of submission of the application and is not in a state of liquidation or bankruptcy or subject to bankruptcy or preventive composition procedures; - the application must be submitted within the established deadlines and exclusively through the regional IT platform; – must be presented by the legal representative or by a professional or trade association, CAT or other specifically delegated bodies;- be a micro or small business selling newspapers and magazines;- be regularly active on the date of submission of the application;- be in possession of a qualifying qualification for carrying out the activity - having the operational headquarters or local unit open on the date of submission of the application; - having the operational headquarters or local unit located in one of the Municipalities of the Marche Region crater; - being in compliance with the payment of social security contributions (DURC). 

What does it predict

Granting of a one-off non-repayable contribution to mitigate the negative effects that the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 epidemiological emergency has produced for the newsstand sector with consequent interruption of service in the territories previously affected by the earthquake in the Marche Region due to failure to deliver by distribution agencies. 

Objective – Purpose

Liquidity support

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Maximum Allowable Expenditure

50000 €

Allowed Costs

Overheads/other charges

Maximum grantable benefit

50000 €
Subject type


Microenterprise, Medium Enterprise, Large Enterprise, Small Enterprise

Activity sector



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Special territorial scope

Seismic zones

Managing entity

Marche region

Primary regulatory basis

DGR 526 of 04.08.2024 - Notice for the granting of contributions to newspaper and magazine resale businesses located in the earthquake-crater Marche Region

Implementation measure

DGR 526 of 04.08.2024 - Notice for the granting of contributions to newspaper and magazine resale businesses located in the earthquake-crater Marche Region

Incentive allocation

50000 €

Reference site

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