Contributions to young professionals for training abroad - Friuli Venezia Giulia

January 25, 2024


Contribution/Repayable fund


Friuli Venezia Giulia


Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Agri-food, Other services, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Culture, Construction, Electronics, ICT, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Health







March 2, 2017


Application submission desk always open (Desk evaluation procedure)


Non-repayable contribution to young professionals for training expenses abroad. The amount of the overall contribution granted to the same beneficiary cannot exceed the maximum limit of 10,000.00 euros. The amount of the contribution is equal to: - 90% of the eligible expenses, if the application for the contribution is presented exclusively for expenses incurred in the twenty-four months preceding the date of obtaining the professional qualification or if no declaration relating to the turnover; - 70% of the eligible expenses, if the turnover which can be deduced from the last VAT return presented or the total of the positive components, which can be deduced from the last single natural persons declaration presented, is less than 20,000.00 euros; - 50 % of eligible expenses, if the turnover, which can be deduced from the last VAT return presented or the total of the positive components, which can be deduced from the last single natural persons declaration presented, is between 20,000.00 and 40,000.00 euros;- 30% of the eligible expenses, if the turnover, deduced from the last VAT return presented or the total of the positive components, deduced from the last Single Natural Persons return presented, is greater than 40,000.00 euros. The contribution application can also refer to more than one training course and can be submitted twice, before reaching the age of 36, until the maximum contribution limit of €10,000.00 is reached. Applications must be submitted before the start of the training course. If the application for contribution refers exclusively to expenses incurred in the twenty-four months preceding the date of obtaining the professional qualification, it must be submitted before reaching the age of 36 and within ninety days from the date of registration in the register or to the list pursuant to article 2229 of the civil code or to the relevant professional association. The second contribution application can be submitted only after the reporting relating to the first application has been submitted to the office. Applications for contributions must be submitted with stamp duty (16.00 euros) to the Central Directorate for Work, Training, Education and Family on the forms made available on the FVG Region website (see link on this page under "Institutional Link").

Who is it aimed at?

- Professionals regularly registered with professional orders or colleges. - Non-professionals who are members of associations included in the regional register provided for by art. 4 of LR 13/2004.- Non-professionals registered with a professional association included, pursuant to law 14 January 2013, n. 4 (Provisions regarding unorganized professions), in the list of professional associations that issue the service quality certificate, published by the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy on its website. The applicant must: - have residence, tax domicile, registered office or operational headquarters in Friuli Venezia Giulia - be aged no more than 35 years - carry out exclusively a free and professional activity Furthermore, the applicant must not be permanent employee, collaborator of a family business, artisan, trader, direct farmer, owner of an individual business, director of a partnership or joint stock company. The above requirements must be possessed by the beneficiary for the entire duration of the contribution period, which starts from the date of submission of the application and ends on the day on which the beneficiary presents the report of the expenditure incurred. The age requirement must be met exclusively at the time of submission of the contribution application.

What does it predict

Expenses for participation in training activities, connected to the activity carried out, aimed at raising the levels of competence and individual skills of professionals are eligible for contribution. The expenses may refer to expenses to be paid and/or expenses incurred in the 24 months preceding the date of obtaining the professional qualification. The training course must: - be carried out exclusively abroad by accredited training bodies, public and private bodies or structures, professional orders, academies, schools or universities - conclude with the release of a qualification or certificate issued by the provider body which certifies the skills acquired during the training course. Courses carried out via distance learning are excluded. Types of expenditure eligible for contribution: - registration costs for attending the training course; - purchase of texts connected to the training course; - premium and preliminary investigation costs for obtaining guarantees, in the form of sureties, issued in the interest of the professional beneficiary from banks or insurance institutions; - travel expenses (return journeys by plane, train or bus) - additional living expenses, calculated with reference to the foreign country where the course is held (Annex A of DP Reg 036/Pres. / 2017) and the duration of the training course 

Objective – Purpose

Internationalization, Liquidity support, Start up/Business development

Form – Facilitation

Contribution/Repayable fund

Minimum Allowable Expenditure


Maximum Allowable Expenditure


Allowed Costs

Raw materials, consumables and goods, Overheads/other charges

Minimum concession that can be granted


Maximum grantable benefit

Subject type


Microenterprise, Small Business

Activity sector

Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Agri-food, Other services, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Culture, Construction, Electronics, ICT, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Health


All economic sectors eligible to receive aid;


Friuli Venezia Giulia



Special territorial scope


Other features

professional activity individual form associated firms professional companies stp profession professional professionals start up VAT number non-refundable free profession professional training training courses training initiatives master's degree ECM training credits academies schools universities accredited bodies abroad Europe

Managing entity


Primary regulatory basis

FVG - Regional law 22 March 2012 n. 5 Law for the autonomy of young people and on the Guarantee Fund for their opportunities
Secondary regulatory basis

Implementation measure

FVG - Regional law 22 March 2012 n. 5 Law for the autonomy of young people and on the Guarantee Fund for their opportunities

References Official Journal


Incentive allocation

100000 €

Reference site

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