The Municipality of Villasor grants a non-repayable contribution under the "de minimis" regime to commercial or artisanal businesses, duly established and registered in the Business Register, which start new economic activities in the Municipality of Villasor. The overall amount of the resources made available with this Notice, based on the share of the second year (2022) of the Support Fund for marginal municipalities referred to in the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 30 September 2021, is equal to euro 50,882 ,22
Who is it aimed at?
Micro-enterprises and small businesses, commercial or artisanal, duly established and registered in the Business Register, which start new economic activities in the Municipality of Villasor, in accordance with the provisions of the Notice, are eligible to benefit from the contribution.
What does it predict
Provision of a non-repayable contribution under the "de minimis" regime to commercial or artisanal businesses, duly established and registered in the Business Register, which start new economic activities in the Municipality of Villasor. The resources will be divided among all the applications admitted to the benefit, in proportion to the expenses deemed eligible, up to the maximum measures indicated below and until the funds allocated for the second year are exhausted: - companies established after the submission of the contribution application which start a new commercial or artisanal activity: up to 90% of the expenses deemed eligible and in any case for an amount not exceeding 5,000 euros per company; - companies already established and registered in the Business Register that activate a new local unit or activate new and additional ATECO codes: up to 50% of the expenses deemed eligible and in any case for an amount not exceeding €2,500 per company. If the available funds are insufficient to satisfy all requests to the extent determined above, an equal percentage reduction will be made for all companies. Any residual sums will be divided among the companies eligible for the contribution in an equal percentage for all, up to any expenses deemed eligible. More information in the public notice available at the link