Contributions to private individuals and small and medium-sized agricultural and forestry enterprises (SMEs) to support notary and professional expenses related to exchange and sale operations of land for urban agricultural or forestry use. The aim is to encourage land recomposition, exclusively for actions that involve the merging, enlargement and rounding of owned funds, in implementation of article 3 paragraphs 92 to 96 of regional law 28 December 2023 n. 16.
Who is it aimed at?
The benefits are aimed at private individuals and small and medium-sized agricultural and forestry enterprises (SMEs).
What does it predict
For the year 2024, expenses for operations incurred in the two years preceding the submission of the application are also considered eligible. Contributions are granted in the amount of 100 percent of eligible expenses, up to a maximum limit of €2,000.00 for agricultural and forestry SMEs and €1,000.00 for private individuals, per operation and within the limit of available resources.