The intervention aims to help support the production of cinematographic and audiovisual works in Campania.
Who is it aimed at?
Subjects carrying out economic activities with primary or secondary ATECO (or equivalent NACE Rev. 2) code 59.11 (production, post-production and distribution of cinematographic, video and television programmes) or 59.12 (production, post-production and distribution activities) can apply. post-production of cinematographic, video and television programmes), with registered office in the European Economic Area (EEA).
What does it predict
Contributions are granted for the production of films, documentaries and short films that involve a certain number of filming days (or animation days in the case of animated works) in the territory of the Campania Region. The benefits are granted on the basis of an evaluation procedure carried out by a Commission of experts appointed by Executive Decree of the Campania Region which will draw up a ranking of the applications based on the scores assigned. The amount that can be granted for each individual project does not exceed the maximum extent of the following percentages: a) 50% of the total eligible costs for the "FILM" Category b) 70% of the total eligible costs for the "DOCUMENTARIES" Category and for the "SHORT FILMS" Category