Non-repayable contributions for the start-up of new commercial, artisanal and agricultural economic activities through a unit located in the municipal area of Bovino, from the Marginal Municipalities Fund referred to in art. 2, paragraph 2, letter. B) of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 30 September 2021 (GURI no. 296 of 14.12.2021) for the 2022 year.
Who is it aimed at?
The call is aimed at commercial, artisanal and agricultural economic activities.
What does it predict
Financing of expenses falling into the following types: - Machinery, systems, equipment, purchased new with a regular invoice, including those necessary for the proponent's management activity and excluding those relating to representation activity; mobile vehicles, individually identifiable and exclusively serving the production unit covered by the concessions, strictly necessary for the production cycle; technological instrumentation aimed at implementing work in smart working mode; machinery and equipment relating to the introduction of new methods of work organization in production sites and/or in external relations. The production cycle is to be understood in the broadest sense, not limited to the mere production phase, but also inherent to the upstream and downstream phases of the same. - BUILDING AND INSTALLATION WORKS, strictly necessary for the start of the activity by way of example for the installation and connection of the acquired machinery and new production plants, as well as the construction and plant works connected to the introduction of new ways of organizing work (including smart working). - IT programs (purchase of hardware and software), commensurate with the production and management needs of the proposer; - Insurance policy expenses relating to the production plants and the carrying out of the activity. These expenses are allowed within the limit of 10% of the eligible investment of the entire project;