Non-repayable contributions for the modernization of testing and experimentation infrastructures in the regional territory through the creation of new infrastructures or the implementation of existing infrastructures in order to develop new or improved products, processes and services and to test and update technologies to achieve progress in industrial research and experimental development.
Who is it aimed at?
The contributions are intended for businesses in the regional territory (micro, small, medium and large), also in associated form through the establishment of a Temporary Business Association (ATI), independent of each other, with registered office or operational unit in the regional territory .
What does it predict
Projects for the modernization of testing and experimentation infrastructures carried out with the aim of developing new or improved products, processes and services or of testing and updating technologies, to obtain progress in industrial research and experimental development relating to the area of specialization can be financed. Health, Quality of life, Agri-food, Bioeconomy" of the Regional Strategy for smart specialization - Life Sciences sector (S4) - and falling within the following trajectories 1-4.