The measures are aimed at promoting social cohesion and economic development in municipalities, such as that of Arlena di Castro, which are particularly affected by the phenomenon of depopulation and for which there are significant lacks of activity and attractiveness due to the reduced offer of tangible and intangible services to people and economic activities, in compliance with Law no. 178 of 30.12.2020, art. 1 paragraph 198. It is also aimed at promoting the development of internal areas as part of the national strategy with the provision of intervention measures to support populations residing in disadvantaged municipalities, as provided for by Law no. 205 of 12.27.2017, art. 1, paragraph 65-ter and 65-sexies.
Who is it aimed at?
The contribution is granted for the start-up of commercial, artisanal and agricultural activities through an operational unit located in the Municipality of Arlena di Castro, or for companies that undertake new economic activities in the aforementioned municipal territory and are duly established and registered in the register of businesses. (art. 2, paragraph 2, letter B Prime Ministerial Decree 09.30.2021).
What does it predict
Contributions to support economic activities up to a maximum of €13,582.50