MAD - Management Advisor srl

Development contracts – Industrial development programs and development programs for environmental protection

What you need to know

The Development Contract is a facilitative instrument with a negotiation component aimed at the creation, on the initiative of one or more companies, the maximum total number of which cannot exceed five, of one of the following development programs:

a) industrial development program ;
b) development program for environmental protection .

Within each of these programs, the instrument can also finance research, development and innovation , as well as infrastructure works.

Eligible subjects

Companies of any size that intend to make large investments in the industrial, agro-industrial and environmental protection sectors. The development program can be implemented jointly, without prejudice to a total number of participating companies not exceeding five, also through the use of the network contract instrument.

Eligible interventions

Creation of a new production unit;

  • expansion of the capacity of an existing production unit; reconversion of an existing production unit, understood as diversification of production to obtain products that do not fall into the same class;
  • restructuring of an existing production unit, understood as a fundamental change in the existing production process implemented through the introduction of a new production process or the contribution of a significant improvement to the existing production process;
  • acquisition of an existing production unit, located in a crisis area and owned by a company not subject to insolvency proceedings, intended as the acquisition of the assets of a closed production unit or which would have been closed in the absence of the acquisition, in order to guarantee the protection, even partial, of existing employment.


Eligible interventions – Industrial Development Programme

It must concern an entrepreneurial initiative aimed at the production of goods and/or services, for the realization of which one or more investment projects are necessary, and, possibly, research, development and innovation projects, strictly connected and functional to each other in relation to final products and services. Minimum investment 20 million euros.

Eligible interventions - Development Program for Environmental Protection

It must concern an entrepreneurial initiative aimed at protecting the environment, for the implementation of which one or more environmental protection projects are necessary, and, possibly, research, development and innovation projects, strictly connected and functional to each other in relation to the the environmental protection objective of the program. Minimum investment 20 million euros.

Eligible expenses

  • company land and its arrangements;
  • masonry and similar works
  • specific company infrastructures;
  • machinery, systems and various equipment, brand new;
  • computer programs, patents, licenses, know-how and non-patented technical knowledge relating to new product technologies and production processes; for large enterprises, such expenses are eligible up to 50% of the total eligible investment.

Eligible expenses for research, development and innovation projects

  • The staff of the proposing entity;
  • new factory tools and equipment, to the extent and for the period in which they are used for the research, development and innovation project;
  • contractual research, such as knowledge and patents acquired or licensed from external sources under normal market conditions, as well as costs for consultancy services and other services used exclusively for the research, development and innovation project activity; d) general expenses;
  • the materials used to carry out the research, development and innovation project.



The benefit consists of a mix of:

  • non-repayable contribution towards plants;
  • non-repayable contribution to expenses;
  • subsidized financing;
  • interest contribution.


The amount of the incentives depends on the type of project (investment or research, development and innovation), the location of the initiative and the size of the company. The incentives are different for environmental projects.


Desk open on 04/12/2023, active until available funds run out.

Who is it aimed at?

Small Enterprises, Medium Enterprises, Micro Enterprises, Large Enterprises, SMEs, MSMEs


Concessionary rate financing, Contribution/Repayable fund


Until funds run out


December 4, 2023

Geographic area

Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardy, Marche, Molise, Piedmont, Puglia, Sardinia, Sicily, Tuscany, Trentino-Alto Adige, Umbria, Valle d'Aosta, Veneto


Services, Industry, Agro-industry

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