Facilitative instrument to support large-scale strategic and innovative production investment programs aimed at strengthening production chains, including emerging ones, considered strategic. With Directorial Decree of 31 August 2022, the closure of the office for the submission of applications for benefits under the measure in question was ordered at 12pm on 1 September 2022.
Who is it aimed at?
Companies of all sizes that implement investment programs consistent with the purposes of Investment 5.2 OF the PNNR "Competitiveness and resilience of production chains". The development program can be implemented by multiple companies operating in the reference supply chain or by a single company.
What does it predict
Non-repayable grants and subsidized loans, even in combination with each other. The eligible expenditure is starting from 20 million euros for the supply chains relating to the automotive, design, fashion and furniture, microelectronics and semiconductors, metal and electromechanical, chemical/pharmaceutical sectors and starting from 7.5 million euros for the agro-industrial supply chains.